I don't think this fight will be in tomorrow's ep - they might save it for the May 25 ep. Season 4 = Book 3, last third, they must stretch the plots to give George Martin time to write Book 6 and Book 7 (and maybe Book 8, Book 9... the story may never end)
Agreed. I think tomorrow's episode will just set it up. We still need time to re-introduce _______ . Tho' it looks like D&D are starting to introduce some ideas from Martin's upcoming books into the show already. The scene with The Others and the Night King turning the baby was something new to readers. I like that a lot. It makes the show a lot less unpredictable.
I don't see the story extending to 8 or 9. Once the story concludes in book 7, that'll be it I think. Even if Martin lived to be 100, it seems like he's into other projects. Besides, there's so much back history that could be visited. It'd be cool if Martin did what Lucas did and let other writers explore the world he created with his approval. Think of the potential stories we could get from Essos and The Summer Islands alone...or stories of The First Men's voyage, the Children of the Forest, etc. It's endless.
Think of how cool a book about The Long Night would be...or Tales of The Men Without Faces. It'd be awesome if Martin franchised that stuff.