Fun Game: 3 decisions on 3 playboy models!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Heather, Hope & Jayde
Anyway, I would marry Heather Rae Young because she's damn near perfect and girls with noserings are cute IMO.

I would impregnate Hope Dworaczyk because she's got that classic playboy brunette look, and she's hot!

That leaves just Jayde Nicole, who is pretty as hell and I love that respect tattoo, lol, but she is the one who will be dumped James Bond girl style into a vat of piranhas. :eek:

I agree with this post.... of course thats after I busted a nut in all the girls.
I'd kill Heather Rae...

I'd get totally drunk, impregnate Hope Dworaczyk & hope I don't remember the next morning...

I'd marry Jayde Nicole.