Fuckin Deborah Everybody loves Raymond

Is it just me or would I like to FUCK DEBORAH of everybody loves Raymond senseless????
I'd love to eat her out and cum across her dirty Fucking cocky mouth!!!!
Count me in, i find her oddly attractive. Dont watch the show, but i always enjoyed her in the promos for the show.:thumbsup:
She is the one who made the anti stem cell research ad which ran against the ad on at the same time by Michael J Fox.She later apologized for it but yeah I think she should do some Max Hardcore stuff ,dirtier and more degrading the better!!:nanner:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yes, she's considered one of the hottest MILFs.
We've had that discussion before, although I always though Patricia Richardson from Home Improvement was the hottest.

She is the one who made the anti stem cell research ad which ran against the ad on at the same time by Michael J Fox.
She later apologized for it but yeah I think she should do some Max Hardcore stuff ,dirtier and more degrading the better!!:nanner:
She didn't exactly "apologize" for what she did, but how it was used.
She has her faith, she did it for people she trusted, they changed it all around, let alone she didn't know about Fox's spot when she did it.

She was hardly to blame for what happened, and she tried to explain how it happened.
I didn't note an "apology" other than those who may have been offended, but her intention was anything but that.

Also remember there is a difference between "banning" stem cell research and "banning" public funding of stem cell research.
There are many people who accept the fact that private stem cell research occurs, but they fear what federal research might do.

Especially because of where stem cells come from -- there are larger, "government" issues involved in that.
I.e., private citizens and corporations can't legally force you at gun point to do something, whereas the government can.

It's why I'm against most government, especially federally, funded research altogether -- there's a poor track record.
Not everything is always right-wing, Christian-founded belief, even if the resulting political views match at times. ;)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
MILF's... on TV.. where to begin? heh heh

Jane Kaczmarek on Malcolm in the Middle.
Richardson - Tool Time's wifey
Heaton - Everybody loves PATRICIA!
Cheri O'Teri - SNL Spartan fever? Yeah I could go for 300 with her. ;)
SNL fork (new thread)?

Cheri O'Teri - SNL Spartan fever? Yeah I could go for 300 with her. ;)
Actually, I always found Molly Shannon to be a beautiful brunette. Although she did it with utter humility and cheese, she did show off how sexy she can actually be (despite her jest) in Night at the Roxbury at the ripe age of 34.

Unfortunately, like many comedians, sometimes they get too obsessed at making fun of their upbringing and childhood. She's from a Catholic Ohio family, and she has to take on that character (yeah, you know the one, armpits and all) of which I'm yet to find someone who likes. It kinda kills it for most, but I just put it out of my mind and focus on her other stuff.
Heck yeah! I have always thought she was a hottie!

She was real good looking, especially after having her last kid, nice face, smile, expressive eyes but she started with the plastic surgery at the start of the decade and started looking like all the other Hollywood actresses. I think she would have looked better aging naturally and maybe doing a little work to herself but she went overboard.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My friend's mom went to high school with her. So...yeah.