Fucked Over


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You've gotten lots of advice from many people. Some from within this business. Look at this as your business. Don't take a personal attitude with it. Don't take more time with it than necessary. Focus on building. They are piddly shit and will only get piddly shit from this stunt. You have time and opportunity to grow beyond this.

Legal costs money and although you may be able to get some of the pictures pulled, there is this web. Once these pictures are out there they will always be there. Do as others say regarding ruining their name and contacting advertisers. Just don't have it affect your business as a professional model.
@Roald: Do you pay immediately after a shoot? That's "up front" in my book.

We dont book models for shoots but more for shows and expos. And yes we pay after the days are over ;)