Fuck the Broncos!

I love that you quoted and responded to my initial post twice. For someone who doesn't care about the opinions of others, you sure tried awfully hard to refute what I said.

If the Cubs had traded away Santo and Banks, I wouldn't have cared at all. Mainly because I wasn't alive at the time. Those two retired twenty years before I was born. Now, if they had traded away Grace, Sandberg, or Dawson (my favorites growing up), I still would have been a fan. I'm not a fan of one player over an entire franchise. Apart from shooting fans for sport, there's nothing the Cubs could do that would make me stop loving that team. They probably won't win a World Series in my lifetime, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm still going to support the team every year. I'm still going to at least five home games every year, and I'm still going to watch every game that I can. That's what being a fan is about.

To give up on a franchise over one player is ridiculous to me. To become a fan of another team is even more ridiculous. There's no possible way I could ever root for a different baseball or football team. That's completely unfathomable to me. The Colts just released Peyton fucking Manning, and I'm still a fan of the team. #18 is probably my favorite player of all-time. I hope he plays well in Denver, and I hope he's successful. But when Denver plays the Colts, there's no fucking chance I'm rooting for the Broncos. None whatsoever.

And I'll continue to refer to you as a bandwagon fan until you can prove otherwise. It's also obvious to me that it bothers you way more than it bothers me when you make fun of the Cubs. I know they suck. I'm well aware of that. I have a brand new Cubs "W" flag that I've taken to Wrigley the last five times I've gone to a home game. I haven't been able to use it because the Cubs lost all five of those games. That doesn't mean I'm ditching my team though. Fuck that. I'm a lifetime fan. You wouldn't know anything about that.

Here's a song for you, Sam. Enjoy.

Isn't it peculiar how this post was ignored?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Isn't it peculiar how this post was ignored?
What would he say? The only comment he ever makes is that the Cubs suck, and I said it for him. He doesn't possess the mental faculties capable of coming up with another original thought. By removing the only argument available to him, I have rendered him mute.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This thread title makes me think the OP is into homosexual bestiality. But yeah, fuck those guys for wanting to be successful!
What would he say? The only comment he ever makes is that the Cubs suck, and I said it for him. He doesn't possess the mental faculties capable of coming up with another original thought. By removing the only argument available to him, I have rendered him mute.

But he virtually never has any argument available to him, and yet he continues to stack up the posts. He's a marvel, in many ways.

Ah, well. You totally won this one.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
But he virtually never has any argument available to him, and yet he continues to stack up the posts. He's a marvel, in many ways.

Ah, well. You totally won this one.

Yeah, high five for me.

But beating Sam in an argument is like besting a quadriplegic in rock climbing. It really doesn't take much effort, and you have plenty of time to laugh and gloat while you're doing it.
The team is always bigger than the individual player. Anyone can be replaced. Let's suppose that after his second year, the Redwings let go of Stevie Y so that they could pick up Wayne Gretzky. Would I have been upset? Yes, a little at first, and then I would have thought "hey, we just picked up Wayne fucking Gretzky". I can still be a fan of Stevie but the team just improved by a lot.

Here is a real life situation. My team was bought by an asshat who dropped the only Head Coach the team had ever had like he was a dirty diaper. I swore that I was never going to be a fan of them again. Almost 25 years later I still stand by them no matter what asinine scheme J.J. comes up with because the team comes first.
But he virtually never has any argument available to him, and yet he continues to stack up the posts. He's a marvel, in many ways.

Ah, well. You totally won this one.

Yeah, high five for me.

But beating Sam in an argument is like besting a quadriplegic in rock climbing. It really doesn't take much effort, and you have plenty of time to laugh and gloat while you're doing it.

You two ass-hats fail to realize that by replying to my posts (as you always do, regardless of the topic) makes me the winner every time. I own you two losers. And, I've only been in here for five months. Combined, you two clowns have been in here seven years. Both of you need to step away from the keyboard and get outside... there is more to life than cyber-patting each other on the back.

Think about that after you both finish sucking each other off.

The team is always bigger than the individual player. Anyone can be replaced. Let's suppose that after his second year, the Redwings let go of Stevie Y so that they could pick up Wayne Gretzky. Would I have been upset? Yes, a little at first, and then I would have thought "hey, we just picked up Wayne fucking Gretzky". I can still be a fan of Stevie but the team just improved by a lot.

Here is a real life situation. My team was bought by an asshat who dropped the only Head Coach the team had ever had like he was a dirty diaper. I swore that I was never going to be a fan of them again. Almost 25 years later I still stand by them no matter what asinine scheme J.J. comes up with because the team comes first.

I think picking up Roy and trading Bob Essensa is a more apt comparison, talent wise.
So I guess what this basically comes down to is, it's strictly a business decision. For the betterment of the organization. It makes sense to me now.
I think picking up Roy and trading Bob Essensa is a more apt comparison, talent wise.

No, talent wise a fourth liner that got called up from the minors because of an injury would be a more apt comparison.
So I guess what this basically comes down to is, it's strictly a business decision. For the betterment of the organization. It makes sense to me now.

That wouldn't be a totally accurate assessment either. If they were just doing it for profit I might agree, but I see getting a competitive advantage on field in a sport as different than that. It's a teams job to the integrity of the sport to do what it can within the rules to try to win. It's part of the reason sports exist in the first place.

Besides it's not like they are doing something morally wrong. They are not getting rid of Tebow so they can hire some axe murderer or rapist because that guy will get them more wins. Manning seems to have pretty decent character himself.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Combined, you two clowns have been in here seven years. Both of you need to step away from the keyboard and get outside... there is more to life than cyber-patting each other on the back.

Think about that after you both finish sucking each other off.

You do realize that your posts per day average is higher than mine, right? :facepalm: I might have joined the site before you did, but you spend more time posting than I do. So if either one of us should be worrying about getting outside more often, it's you.


You do realize that your posts per day average is higher than mine, right? :facepalm: I might have joined the site before you did, but you spend more time posting than I do. So if either one of us should be worrying about getting outside more often, it's you.



But, you've been in here for three years running, probably every day of those three years as well. I've only been in here three months. (was banned for one month) So actually, you need to get outside more. Surely you have one of those riding lawnmowers. Seems like every man in Indiana has one. Perhaps you should sell it and get a walk behind mower.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
But, you've been in here for three years running, probably every day of those three years as well. I've only been in here three months. (was banned for one month) So actually, you need to get outside more. Surely you have one of those riding lawnmowers. Seems like every man in Indiana has one. Perhaps you should sell it and get a walk behind mower.


Yes, you were banned, and yet still have a higher post count per day average than I do. That means you're posting much more often than I am, dipshit.

And since you're so curious, I do have both a riding lawn mower (for the backyard) and a push mower (for the front yard). :D
That wouldn't be a totally accurate assessment either. If they were just doing it for profit I might agree, but I see getting a competitive advantage on field in a sport as different than that. It's a teams job to the integrity of the sport to do what it can within the rules to try to win. It's part of the reason sports exist in the first place.

Besides it's not like they are doing something morally wrong. They are not getting rid of Tebow so they can hire some axe murderer or rapist because that guy will get them more wins. Manning seems to have pretty decent character himself.

Actually, I was being facetious.

For example: The Brooklyn Dodgers had some of the most loyal fans. Even though they were the step-child of the Yankees who were always winning pennants and world series. But, the Dodger fans were still very loyal, and they loved 'dose Bums'.

When O'Malley moved the team to Los Angeles, the city was devastated. And yes, they have been very successful in LA. However, the sting that the loyal fans felt when the team moved away was something that some of them never got over.

I still think the Broncos screwed up by getting rid of Tebow, and signing Manning. Time will tell.

And one thing is for certain. Depending on how the Broncos do this year, Andronicus will either fetch this Thread and gloat, or he will have to resurrect this thread and eat crow.
And let's not forget.... the Broncos (Elway) made it perfectly clear that they didn't want to wait around for several years to win the Super Bowl, and that is why they threw Tebow under the bus. In other words... Elway and every person in here who agreed with the trade apparently think Manning and the Broncos are going to win the Super Bowl this year.

Using that logic, I guess all the other teams might as well come to grips and realize they aren't going to win the Bowl this year... the Broncos have already sewn it up.
