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Fuck Obama with a wooden spoon in 2012

I think the spillways were open in "your" basin this spring.

lol - you believe what people write in their profile? The profile is a stereotype character (check the IP - I am essentially in Dallas/ East Texas) DERP DERP DERP

The spillway is in EAST Louisiana (the Mississippi River)......just quit digging, Joe the Plumber


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
My bad. The place your residing does suck though. Texas law + La. law = raceist redneck haven


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Still an obama fan. Not bush, clinton or reagan. But obama has done alright by me. Expecting miracles from an obslete post like president is like expecting the royal family to do a goddamn thing - expect little, hope much. And as far as that goes, he's done okay on more than half he promised. Politicians are like girlfriends. If they pass the 50/50 rule, they're okay. And I can tolerate him more than half the time.
he's done okay on more than half he promised. Politicians are like girlfriends. If they pass the 50/50 rule, they're okay.

fair enough, but what were the "more than half" fulfilled promises, if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to know

Even health care was a major fail (the whole point of reforming health care was to offer single-payor as an option)

The links to open the thread were examples of not just repeating what the last clown did, but making those same mistakes BIGGER.
don't remember you getting so offended when I've ridiculed the "other party" (and I do a lot)

so take your own advice and quit posting :drama:


You're funny. I have never been offended because you have said something against one party or another. I find the way you say things offensive. Like fuck the sitting president with a wooden spoon. That's how you hope to start a discussion?

What a fucking surprise that this has turned into a thread in which you're doing nothing but defending yourself.

Ah, well. This is the last time I'll be in this thread. I hope you enjoy whatever incredibly pithy response you give this post. I will look at your other threads, though. You're far to funny to ignore.


Staff member
Let's be fair.....there is plenty of blame to go around:

1. Bush left the country in the shitter.

2. Obama has proven to be a weak and ineffective leader.....in an effort to seemingly try to get everyone to like him (despite the fact that it was abundantly clear to anyone with any sense that there is a faction that want to see him fail at all costs).

3. Congress is a MESS and full of ineffective leaders. Their approval is even LOWER than Obama's!

4. The people of my country, by and large, are DUMB AS DIRT!!!!!! Sorry, someone had to say it! Just look at the shit they put on television and the shitty movies being released and the crappy music.......it's because that's what the minions want! Just sayin'!

5. Corporate America has essentially taken over control of this country!

6. We don't make a damn thing anymore aside from hamburgers, and shitty so-called forms of entertainment! I guess we are still the Kings of the porn industry.....yeah us! Ha ha ha!

7. Back to the stupid shit for brains that make up the vast majority of the population of my country.....everyone wants something for nothing! Nobody wants to pay for a damn thing. That's what has gotten us in this mess really. 1st it's this on credit, that on credit, and the other on credit. The people have been spending beyond their means for years!!!!!!! They say the next generation is the 1st that will have things worse than the previous one......no duh!!!!! Actually having to live within your means is a bitch! Ha ha ha! Then they want the government to provide all kinds of services, but they don't want to pay for it either. It's funny that for a country that is so "against socialism" so many of my fellow Americans seem to embrace it in it's various forms, so long as they are getting a cut! Just sayin' Ha ha ha! For fucks sake, we need to raise taxes to get us out of this mess...but corporate America and their cronies in the GOP keep the mindless drones afraid and they just go against their own interests at every turn! They try to scare you against universal healthcare. They make you think Reagan was a God, and his trickle down economic scheme (though throughly proven to be a failure), will still work today (like I said, it didn't work then)! So cutting corporate taxes & taxes on the rich = more jobs.....yeah right!!!!!! That equals more money for the rich all right.....not much more than that though! Fuck, taxes are at they lowest rates in nearly 50 years! So why are we still bleeding jobs then? Just sayin'! Yeah, by the way, a flat tax, much less a 1% flat tax with no deductions or exemptions is bloody genius!!!!! Wonder what we will have to cut then? The entire military for certain. No highway funds. Oh wait......as federal dollars dry up.....I'm sure the State and Local governments will raise taxes to make up for it. Sorry kids, as fun as it is, there is no such thing as a free lunch! ;)

8. So many of my fellow Americans are afraid of education, and anyone who is educated. Just more of that being afraid of the boogy man (like I said earlier).

9. So many of my fellow Americans are lacking in reasoning abilty, common sense, and rational though. Just sayin'!

10. Can't forget to mention the FACT that America is essentially a fairly racist and intolerant nation...and Obama is black...yeah, my fellow whites will point out that his mother is white when it's convenient in an effort to deflect this criticism. Trust me, middle & rural America can't be too pleased that there is a black man in the White House. I'd respect them if they would just admit it though!

Like I already said there is plenty of blame to go around. However, I find the majority of it falls squarely on the shoulders of the PEOPLE......because I find our elected officials are a pretty fair reflection of the people as a whole! Dumb as dirt, anti-social tendencies, incivility, spending beyond their means.....yep, a pretty good reflection of the people! Just sayin' guys!

Hey, someone had to say it! :2 cents:

absolute truth, you describe what the real situation is :yesyes::goodpost:
Let's be fair.....there is plenty of blame to go around:

1. Bush left the country in the shitter.

2. Obama has proven to be a weak and ineffective leader.....in an effort to seemingly try to get everyone to like him (despite the fact that it was abundantly clear to anyone with any sense that there is a faction that want to see him fail at all costs).

3. Congress is a MESS and full of ineffective leaders. Their approval is even LOWER than Obama's!

4. The people of my country, by and large, are DUMB AS DIRT!!!!!! Sorry, someone had to say it! Just look at the shit they put on television and the shitty movies being released and the crappy music.......it's because that's what the minions want! Just sayin'!

5. Corporate America has essentially taken over control of this country!

6. We don't make a damn thing anymore aside from hamburgers, and shitty so-called forms of entertainment! I guess we are still the Kings of the porn industry.....yeah us! Ha ha ha!

7. Back to the stupid shit for brains that make up the vast majority of the population of my country.....everyone wants something for nothing! Nobody wants to pay for a damn thing. That's what has gotten us in this mess really. 1st it's this on credit, that on credit, and the other on credit. The people have been spending beyond their means for years!!!!!!! They say the next generation is the 1st that will have things worse than the previous one......no duh!!!!! Actually having to live within your means is a bitch! Ha ha ha! Then they want the government to provide all kinds of services, but they don't want to pay for it either. It's funny that for a country that is so "against socialism" so many of my fellow Americans seem to embrace it in it's various forms, so long as they are getting a cut! Just sayin' Ha ha ha! For fucks sake, we need to raise taxes to get us out of this mess...but corporate America and their cronies in the GOP keep the mindless drones afraid and they just go against their own interests at every turn! They try to scare you against universal healthcare. They make you think Reagan was a God, and his trickle down economic scheme (though throughly proven to be a failure), will still work today (like I said, it didn't work then)! So cutting corporate taxes & taxes on the rich = more jobs.....yeah right!!!!!! That equals more money for the rich all right.....not much more than that though! Fuck, taxes are at they lowest rates in nearly 50 years! So why are we still bleeding jobs then? Just sayin'! Yeah, by the way, a flat tax, much less a 1% flat tax with no deductions or exemptions is bloody genius!!!!! Wonder what we will have to cut then? The entire military for certain. No highway funds. Oh wait......as federal dollars dry up.....I'm sure the State and Local governments will raise taxes to make up for it. Sorry kids, as fun as it is, there is no such thing as a free lunch! ;)

8. So many of my fellow Americans are afraid of education, and anyone who is educated. Just more of that being afraid of the boogy man (like I said earlier).

9. So many of my fellow Americans are lacking in reasoning abilty, common sense, and rational though. Just sayin'!

10. Can't forget to mention the FACT that America is essentially a fairly racist and intolerant nation...and Obama is black...yeah, my fellow whites will point out that his mother is white when it's convenient in an effort to deflect this criticism. Trust me, middle & rural America can't be too pleased that there is a black man in the White House. I'd respect them if they would just admit it though!

Like I already said there is plenty of blame to go around. However, I find the majority of it falls squarely on the shoulders of the PEOPLE......because I find our elected officials are a pretty fair reflection of the people as a whole! Dumb as dirt, anti-social tendencies, incivility, spending beyond their means.....yep, a pretty good reflection of the people! Just sayin' guys!

Hey, someone had to say it! :2 cents:

Reps for you, guy.

We don't live in a perfect world and this election isn't going to change that.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Until the Republicans can show me someone who is not a laughing stock, dunce, loony, corporate leg humper, bible thumper, or is a flip flopper, Obama easily gets my vote.
Black Bush, just not as funny


I can't zero in on the sharp spike there right at the end but I suspect there is a correlation to the obstructionism played by the Tea Baggers on the debt policy.

:hatsoff: Thanks again Tea Baggers...I wonder if Faux will report this....:dunno:
Until the Republicans can show me someone who is not a laughing stock, dunce, loony, corporate leg humper, bible thumper, or is a flip flopper, Obama easily gets my vote.

Until the Democrats can show me someone who is not a laughing stock, dunce, loony, social justice bullshitter, money waster, or is a flip flopper, Perry easily gets my vote.
Until the Democrats can show me someone who is not a laughing stock, dunce, loony, social justice bullshitter, money waster, or is a flip flopper, Perry easily gets my vote.

:dunno:So all that blather about Keynesian blah blah blah..and you're going to vote for Perry..:1orglaugh...



Staff member
:dunno:So all that blather about Keynesian blah blah blah..and you're going to vote for Perry..:1orglaugh...


:sarcasm::drama:you will vote for obama a second time even if you know that he will make it worse. :yesyes:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think you need to check who will probably do most of the things you wnat to be done, and will not do what you want to see not happening.

Following this, I can't imagine anyone voting republican after their actions of 'Filibuster everything' and their policy of 'No touching the top 1% they are owned of'

The Dems fuck up a lot, too, but there is a little hope

The GOP is lost for everyone who is not among the filthy rich.
Obama is going to win in 2012, it is going to be no contest.

The republicans are still in a deep hole and they keep making themselves look worse and worse as time goes on.

Here is the thing, Obama told you what he is going to do and now people are mad that he is doing it. Go figure.
Here is the thing, Obama told you what he is going to do and now people are mad that he is doing it. Go figure.
here is the thing, this thread exists because the things he campaigned for - he didn't do (see the links in the oP) What "things" was he going to do, has he done?

you guys are starting to sound like W supporters with your unquantifiable democratic religion statements
With America in the sorry state it's in, unless something real positive happens between now and the election, Obama should be a 1 term president. I say SHOULD and not WILL, because the GOP keeps giving us candidates that either don't appeal to their base and have too much baggage (Romney), or appeal to the conservative core (Bachmann, Perry) but will not attract Independents and Moderates. Unless someone like Paul Ryan enters the fray and injects a note of sanity and common sense into the field, we may be fated for Obama II.
David Bromwich

Professor of Literature at Yale




The record shows impressive continuities between the two administrations, and nowhere more than in the policy of “force projection” in the Arab world. With one war half-ended in Iraq, but another doubled in size and stretching across borders in Afghanistan; with an expanded program of drone killings and black-ops assassinations, the latter glorified in*special ceremonies of thanksgiving*(as they never were under Bush); with the number of prisoners at Guantanamo having decreased, but some now slated for permanent detention; with the repeated invocation of “state secrets” to protect the government from charges of war crimes; with the Patriot Act renewed and its most dubious provisions left intact -- the Bush-Obama presidency has sufficient self-coherence to be considered a historical entity with a life of its own.

Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal


On the one side is Eric Schneiderman, the New York Attorney General, who is conducting his own investigation into the era of securitizations – the practice of chopping up assets like mortgages and converting them into saleable securities – that led up to the financial crisis of 2007-2008.

On the other side is the Obama administration, the banks, and all the other state attorneys general.

This second camp has cooked up a deal that would allow the banks to walk away with just a seriously discounted fine from a generation of fraud that led to millions of people losing their homes.

An initial term sheet outlining a possible settlement emerged in March, with institutions including Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo being asked to pay about $20 billion that would go toward loan modifications and possibly counseling for homeowners.

In exchange, the attorneys general participating in the deal would have agreed to sign broad releases preventing them from bringing further litigation on matters relating to the improper bank practices.

The banks balked at the $20 billion figure. And the talks seemed to stall over the summer, as Mr. Schneiderman and a few other attorneys general — Beau Biden of Delaware and Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, for example — questioned aspects of the deal.

“The attorney general remains concerned by any attempt at a global settlement that would shut down ongoing investigations of wrongdoing related to the mortgage crisis,” said Danny Kanner, the spokesman for Mr. Schneiderman. His office has opened several inquiries into mortgage practices during the credit boom.