Bernie Madoff has a message from prison: F- - - you.
Madoff, 71, has become a folk hero to most of his fellow inmates -- but when one inmate lashed out at the disgraced Ponzi schemer for his $65 billion theft, Madoff barked: "F- - - my victims. I carried them for 20 years, and now I'm doing 150 years," New York magazine reports in its issue on sale tomorrow.
When another convict told Madoff that stealing from old ladies was "kind of f- - -ed up," Madoff coolly replied, "Well, that's what I did."
Another former convict told the magazine that Madoff once said he could spin a globe, put his finger anywhere on it, "and chances are he had a house there or he'd been there."
Yet another prisoner recalled watching a "60 Minutes" segment about Madoff with Madoff, and remarking, admiringly, that he'd bilked his clients for millions.
Madoff corrected him: "No, billions."
His massive scheme has some inmates virtually worshipping him as a criminal legend who ultimately wound up a success, according to their twisted worldview.
"If I'd lived that well for 70 years, I wouldn't care that I ended up in prison," one said.
He has since made 14 cents an hour sweeping the commissary floor of the federal pen in Butner, NC.
Colleagues, lawyers and inmates tell the magazine that Inmate No. 61727-054 generally seems content. His cellblock is known as "Camp Fluffy," and prisoners have use of a gym, library, pool tables and a sweat lodge. There are no bars on the windows.
Put him in a real prison and see how good he has it.