Says the whiney asshat who practically begged to be included.

At the time was because of Philbert and I thought this thread was a joke.
Then I found your true meaning here from the P & R board. A racist like Mod Georges that post remarks on African Americans that is nothing but lipstick on a pig. And please don't bring up Monkier. Look it up and found the true meaning. (A handle) But coming from a racist like you who knows!
Only retort because like Supa don't why I'm reading your
I'm cool on the internet child like dribble insults with customs pics.
And remember,
I'll bee dat as you will one up this to seem cool on a forum that has made up SNs except the OCMs.
Everyone else that gets mad at people starting threads instead of just acting like a adult and move to another that you find a interest:
Everybody's right. Evrything I've done is wrong. You know I tried to keep it
Short. I know it took too fucking long. Too much has been said. You think
It fucked my head?
Think again.
Ignorance, it set your standards. Intelligence, that don't work in your
You're an adult, so you act like a child. Don't even try to explain.
This stupid shit, it's been done. You think you're the only one?
A hand to your mouth, a performing yawn. I guess you know what the fuck is
Going on. You're on the top, you're on the ball. You think you've seen it
Before you take another crack and slap yourself on the back. Before you tell
Me what you heard and sum it up in one word. Before you start talking shit.
Before you throw another fit.
Think again. Think again. Think again again again, If you can.