freeones haters

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so now we have people complaining about the people complaining about the spam

does it ever end?

will it ever be resolved?

what DID come first - chicken or the egg?

tune in next time for another exciting episode of

*dum dum, dum duh dadadadada *FREEONES!!

*doooo, doo do deee doooooooooooo*
There are around 6,000 members here, each has his/her own ideas. Some of them wants a more regulated forum (simple, no repetitious threads, no spams...etc.) while the rest want freedom to say and post whenever they wanted.

There is no way to please everyone just like when we are all asked a opinion on a certain chick, some would find her hot, the others don't. Some newbies don't read the stickys and would create similar threads or ask the name of a babe already mentioned/identified before. We are all diverse individuals. Just try to compromise/ deal with it.

So what I suggest is either we all learn to get along or have separate sections/threads for old members where spamming is not allowed and they can discuss relevant stuff and another section where spammers or newbies (who fail to read the stickies do a search) to say or ask whatever.

I do believe that this thread should be in the suggestion and comments section.

Anyhows, I'll take that beer and

all have one on me too:glugglug:

peace ya all
:) letme sharre a few personalrules:

Sex is the same in every language, Politics is not.
Porn is the same in every country, religeon is not.
Women are women in every part of the world, respect them, maybe they will respect men in return.

hence, I don't talk politics, religeon, and I love and respect women. and take offence of those who do not. but won't carry it further.

Free speech is cool, however it will have it's blow backs, due to radical elements, we have to live and let live, this is a board, ignore remarks that burn your butt. Communicate only with those you wish to. My few :2 cents: 's worth
Sh@rkyKZN said:
:) letme sharre a few personalrules:

Sex is the same in every language, Politics is not.
Porn is the same in every country, religeon is not.
Women are women in every part of the world, respect them, maybe they will respect men in return.

hence, I don't talk politics, religeon, and I love and respect women. and take offence of those who do not. but won't carry it further.

Free speech is cool, however it will have it's blow backs, due to radical elements, we have to live and let live, this is a board, ignore remarks that burn your butt. Communicate only with those you wish to. My few :2 cents: 's worth

I have to agree with Sh@rkyKZN. :yesyes:Use selective reading it is the best way to avoid flames and problems.
Flames aren't the question.

Its posts like at the bottom of these threads that are the problem.

You two just went completely off-topic.

The whole point of not spamming is so we don't have to go through a bunch of crap to find something good.

No one said anything about what the message says... Its the fucking message itself that pisses people off.

The... I just reached so many posts thread with the one smiley as a post is just plain stupid. :crash:

EDIT: AND if you clearly go through the forums you will see that there are a lot more threads complaining about WANTING spam than against it. We just complain in threads that have become spam fests. We dont start new threads everywhere about it.

Like this thread.


6 months down the line most of the main member base will be different and moanin bout same ole shit

in 6 months are you gonna care? if not, why stress bout it now

go out and get some action
I have no problem with what most members post and comment on here in freeones (and that includes moderate spamming).
The one problem i do have is when certain members start threads about topics that are already being discussed
... what i mean by that is when member "X" is to lazy to use the search function and starts a brand new thread asking for pictures of such and such or repeating what ever. After all these threads just encourage useless reply’s and spams.
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