BlueBalls' method isn't bad, but I prefer direct contact with Roald. All he needs is a beer or two (lightweight), and he's good to go. And go. and boy, does he go. He does enjoy the penis quite a bit...
I got me some bud light left! possibly some wine somewhere...
I'm thinking of editing this thread's title to "Post here if you're really, really drunk." Do I hear any objections? :beer:
My essence is now circulating throughout Roald's system many, many, many times over.
I mean, where else can we convo with the people we came here for? Bree olson, spexyashleigh, Kimora Klein, Taylor Rain!? it's pretty cool
:] You can "convo" with me on Twitter, my site, here, on the bed, on the kitchen count -- ehem, hooray appreciation!
I thought the thread title was Application at first :o
I'm thinking of editing this thread's title to "Post here if you're really, really drunk." Do I hear any objections? :beer:
FreeOnes doesn't need appreciation. All you need to do is send Petra a vial of your own blood and a bright green spandex thong you've worn for five days in a row without washing. She'll then squeeze out what essence you've left over in the thong, while scraping off any excess jizz and skid marks that you may or may not have left behind, mix the leftovers with your blood and then add it to Roald's coffee. This creates (or so I'm told) a oneness with the FreeOnes Gods which allows us as the dirty, stinky, peasants to know what it feels like up there, high above the rest of us. It is supposed to fill the person with hope and love, and it really works.
My essence is now circulating throughout Roald's system many, many, many times over.
That my friends makes me feel good. To know that a little part of me, my blood and bodily juices are now inside Roald, doing what they do fills me with a kind of hope no common man could ever know. This knowledge gives me hope that our civilization will, one day, be all right.
If you wish to become one with Roald just PM Petra with your home address and she'll send you your starter pack.
Godspeed. :thumbsup:
BlueBalls' method isn't bad, but I prefer direct contact with Roald. All he needs is a beer or two (lightweight), and he's good to go. And go. and boy, does he go. He does enjoy the penis quite a bit...
Ooops. Was this one of those "secrets" I'm not supposed to share?
I know, Petra would kill me :o