Freeones 400 error


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: 404 on every thread

Something went wrong over the weekend...but it's fixed now.

Why is this thread moved to myfreeones forums?
This thread was clearly about the board itself and bises that...
Suggestions forum is the only forum I monitor for problems (because problems are posted there most of the time).
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Nikkala made me do it!
Nice work Henry ... 100% better today! :computer: :bowdown:


Postal Paranoiac's too late. Maildude already hung himself. :crying:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt

Why is this thread moved to myfreeones forums?
This thread was clearly about the board itself and bises that...
Suggestions forum is the only forum I monitor for problems (because problems are posted there most of the time).

Because all 10 threads about this problem were merged into 1 thread and the thread it was merged into was on the MyFreeOnes section.
Right, here's my problem: I come to the forums, which work fine, then open a new window for babelistings, which part-loads or maybe doesn't at all, so I close that window and come back to the forums and find that they too are now going slow, and I have to wait five or ten minutes for the next page to load up before it starts working properly again.

The main page and babelistings have been faulty since before Christmas, and still were just a few minutes before I wrote this. Surely someone else has experienced this problem? :dunno: :wave2:
Right, here's my problem: I come to the forums, which work fine, then open a new window for babelistings, which part-loads or maybe doesn't at all, so I close that window and come back to the forums and find that they too are now going slow, and I have to wait five or ten minutes for the next page to load up before it starts working properly again.

The main page and babelistings have been faulty since before Christmas, and still were just a few minutes before I wrote this. Surely someone else has experienced this problem? :dunno: :wave2:

Nope, using Opera.

By the way, thanks for fixing the 404 errors :D
I still can't access the main page, nor any babe pages. I'm still getting the 404 message. :helpme:
Lately I keep getting an error when I try to go to the main site or the the .com babe pages. The forums still work fine though.

When I change the domain to (New Zealand), it works fine.
Its just inconvenient having to change it every time.
For example, when I click on a name which is auto-linked to their freeones page, I have to change .com to to get it to work

I think there have been threads on this kind of thing before, but anyway, is there something I could do to fix it? There never used to be a problem before :dunno:

Yeah, been getting that for a couple weeks now.