Freeones 400 error


Die For Me
Lately I keep getting an error when I try to go to the main site or the the .com babe pages. The forums still work fine though.

400 Bad request
Your browser sent an invalid request.

When I change the domain to (New Zealand), it works fine.
Its just inconvenient having to change it every time.
For example, when I click on a name which is auto-linked to their freeones page, I have to change .com to to get it to work

I think there have been threads on this kind of thing before, but anyway, is there something I could do to fix it? There never used to be a problem before :dunno:
I've never had that problem? Freeones just doesn't agree with you anymore Lungzyn.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Is it still happening? Seems to work fine for me.


Die For Me
Maybe its just my laptop :dunno:
I tried it on another computer, and it either changes the address to automatically, or works with .com
I've been getting this for months. It usually tries to load the page for ages then finally says "could not display the page" or one of those types of messages. If it ever does connect it tends to show a lot of red X's and blank spaces. I did mention it a while ago but on that one day it decided to work, so I don't think anyone believed me. :mad: :dunno: :wave2:
404 on every thread

I get 404 File not found on every thread I click. :(
I hope it is only temporary since I will not be able to read any answers to this thread anyway.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Re: 404 on every thread

Ive been getting a few too...Freeones seems to be running quite slow as well with some pages taking ages to load up :(
Re: getting 404s

Me too, took 3 tries to get here!
Maybe one of the servers in the farm is acting up, but eventually you get connected to another one to get the page.

And got this trying to post
This forum requires that you wait 10 seconds between posts. Please try again in 10 seconds.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: getting 404s

Irony: getting a 404 error after clicking on this thread. What's been going on lately? Do I need to go down there and start beating the servers with wrenches again?