FreeOnes 2009 - What Would You Like to See?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
2009 is coming up on us pretty fast and we're working on some new goodies for you guys. What I want to know though, what would you guys like to see next year?

This can include the board,, My FreeOnes, the Pay Site Review section. What can we do for you to keep things new and interesting? :D
all of the "who made you cum today" "who do you want to sleep with" "name 3 girls you would have sex with this very instant" threads to have their own category instead of in the freeones talk section.

they take up too much space on the front page and actual topics and good conversations are left for the second page and beyond.

a classifieds section?

just a thought.
I think there should definitely be more threads where we can submit the names of porn stars who we would like to fuck, cum on, marry, impregnate, have threesomes, foursomes and tensomes with, be trapped on a desert island with, and feed steak and mashed potatoes to.
And possibly more polls where we can vote for random girl a versus just as random and completely unrelated girl b.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I like FreeOnes the way it is so i have no suggestions. If you guys are just keeping up your good work, that will be great! :thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What can we do for you to keep things new and interesting? :D

Just a few idears (yes, ideaRs)...

- A new color scheme for the main websites (or the ability to customize it, similar to the options in our profiles)
- New smileys
- New MyFreeOnes points items
- Someone please make out with me
- a FreeOnes "lottery" (you can buy a lottery ticket with MyFreeOnes points, the winner receives a large sum of the collected MyFreeOnes points, the remainder are...donated to...schools?)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

I want.. a notepad, a gaming section.. (with actual games we can play against each other.. such as chess, checkers, assgammon and boobalicious monopoly against each other) and more ways to earn points. More DVD's to spend points on. More.... um.. I dunno, more freeones, less everything else. :p


Closed Account
I'd like to see more stuff to buy with your points. I'd like people to post more, and not just porn. :dunno: It gets a little slow sometimes is all...:( Other than that, I am happy with it the way it is.
What Would You Like to See?

A queue of naked pornstars, at my front door begging, I say BEGGING..
to know where they can find a good clothes store, because they're naked, cold and need something to put on, before they catch their death of cold.
Completion/expansion of the pornstar bio's. Freeones used to be the first place I looked when I couldn't ID a star, but recently the info has gotten more and more incomplete. Barely useful anymore.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The "Funny Pictures" section to be split:One pics,the other video.

Reading this suggestion made me think of something that I would like to see. I know that it will never happen, but we can dream, can't we?

When somebody posts a link in the "Watch That Video" section or "Find Your Favorite Babe" section, I think it would be nice if they had to choose a tab before they make their post...


...then, when their post is made, it will show if their link is providing pictures or videos (or both, I guess). That way, people don't have to sift through and click on dozens upon dozens of links to pictures when they're looking for videos (and, vice versa). It will already let the members know what the link is providing, making their stay on FreeOnes a much more enjoyable experience.

Like I said, I know that will never happen, but I thought I'd share.
I would like an actual sarcastic "rolled eyes smiley" and not just the crazy looking one. I would also like a "head palm" smiley" and maybe a "sad looking head shaking smiley". Those could help me out on this messageboard.