FreeOnes 2007 Signature of The Week (S.O.T.W)

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I know I am an hopeless TechnoTwit... :crash:

I still haven't found out how to put an image in the signature, do some animation, etc... I just know how to put written words. (that's the only possibility I see after having clicked on Edit signature).:dunno:

I can't find either where it is explained.


Note : Consider this request as an exercice in humility:cool:

Here's a useful guide:

Using an image in your signature
If you're going to use an image, you have two options, you can create an image of your own or you can use an existing image. Be sure to keep the board signature restrictions in mind.(575p width x 100p height)

Using an existing image in your signature
If the image you want to use is stored on your hard drive, you will need to upload it to a host of your choice. You cannot simply use the location of the image on your hard drive. If you simply link to an image on your hard drive, you will be able to see it, but no one else will be able to, and that's generally not what you want to accomplish with a signature. If you find an image online that you would like to use in your signature, make sure you have the permission of the author before using the image and/or linking to the image. If you decide not to get permission, at least upload the image to your own host (like You should not use other peoples' bandwidth without their permission. It is recommended that you save the image to your hard drive and then upload the image to your host. You are now ready to upload.

Creating an image for use in your signature
Creating an image for your signature can be a bit more work and a bit more complicated. You will first need to determine what image editing program you are going to use. For simple images, Microsoft Paint could be sufficient. For more advanced image editing, you may need to get a program such as Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop. Once you have your image editing program, you create your image to your needs, save it, then upload it to your host.

When your image is uploaded to a host, you click the small Insert Image button on the Edit Signature toolbar. Then you simply enter the direct link in the prompt box, and you are ready to go. You can test it by clicking Preview Signature.

If you mean you cannot see the formatting tools, try installing MacroMedia Flash Player. That may be the problem.:dunno:
Thanks a lot. I just read your post. Yesterday, someone sent me some infos on my PM. I am able now to put a picture (I used tinypic).
But I am trying the second step you described : creating a picture.

Remember I am a TechnoTwit.

My picture is not the right size (banner size) it is too big.

I have Paint... I am even unable to find how to reduce my pic to that format using Paint. If I ask to reduce it just cuts the pic...

I am not asking for a crash course in this forum (too complicated, too long, too off topic)... you guys have better to do. I'll try to read all their tutorials, it must be possible to do that.

But, if you know an easy picture editor free or cheap, please let me know.

Thanks for your infos, they are very clear. I really appreciate.:hatsoff:
Thanks a lot. I just read your post. Yesterday, someone sent me some infos on my PM. I am able now to put a picture (I used tinypic).
But I am trying the second step you described : creating a picture.

Remember I am a TechnoTwit.

My picture is not the right size (banner size) it is too big.

I have Paint... I am even unable to find how to reduce my pic to that format using Paint. If I ask to reduce it just cuts the pic...

I am not asking for a crash course in this forum (too complicated, too long, too off topic)... you guys have better to do. I'll try to read all their tutorials, it must be possible to do that.

But, if you know an easy picture editor free or cheap, please let me know.

Thanks for your infos, they are very clear. I really appreciate.:hatsoff:

Free is only a question of morals...

but i guess you could find a jpeg size converter, try google..

and there are alot of people on this board who knows their way around photoshop, paintshop and so on that i believe are willing to help..

try this thread


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Since I had to withdraw my nomination of UT and "Somebody" beat me to nominating him for his new sig,I'd like nominate The Satyr Icon:thumbsup:
Thanks UNDERTAKER. I will check that thread.

Your banner looks great and many other members in that thread also have great looking banners. I always take time and pleasure to look at them.

I have a long way to go before simply being able to put one that looks just about OK but I'll try my best.

Thanks again ! :thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?


Closed Account
This was a hard one so many nice sigs.

But my vote goes to......LadyLove
Well it's Friday and we have a two winners, and they are:


& SeraphiM

Congrats you two!!!!

That i have been a busy girl with work and baseball i missed this. thank you ladylove for the message you sent me. and thanks everyone for the vote. sorry i took so long for me to see this and say thank you...:kiss:


Nikkala made me do it!
Ouch, this IS hard this week ... but I'll stick with my nominatrix LadyLove :thumbsup:
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