Put it like this:
We do NOT decide WHERE we are born...we do NOT decide WHEN we are born...we do NOT decide WHO we are born to...we do NOT decide in what condition we are born in...we do NOT decide who our family members are...we do NOT decide what SEX we are...we do NOT decide what RACE we are...we do NOT decide our physical appearance...
...and ultimately folks....we do NOT decide whether we even EXIST.
All these conditions we have absolutely NO control of...and yet all these conditions have 100% influence in our lives and choices.
We humans operate like this: We makes choices, our choices are subject to reason (it is impossible to make a choice without a reason) and our reasons are subject to circumstances.
Circumstances ---->Reason -----> Choices.
Choices are in our control, reasons are partially in our control...circumstances are NOT in our control.
Anyone care to disagree?