Free movies and chat

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remind me why i want to chat with dudes WHILE i have my hand down my pants?

At least here in the bullitin boards im not in the middle of my "routine"
checked it out. Well, the good thing is that as soon as the chat room opens, a bangbros movie starts automatically playing. So, I can watch that for free.

But yeah, I agree with sc blur, don't know why I'd wanna chat with other guys while watching it.


If I feel like Jacking Off I'll put a movie on and just do it or just ask my wife to give me a blowjob. She's a queen at it. Why Chat with others to jackoff.
Hey, good point. Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate y'all going and taking a look. We're working on bringing in girls to the chat as well. The girl who is on the front page will be on there shortly. Would it be useful to have a schedule of who/when?

Thanks again!

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pornphreaks said:
Hey, good point. Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate y'all going and taking a look. We're working on bringing in girls to the chat as well. The girl who is on the front page will be on there shortly. Would it be useful to have a schedule of who/when?

Thanks again!

(SPAM Link edited out by me.)

Dude ... the Super-Moderator of this Board already edited this thread this morning due to your SPAMMING out the information on your web-site. He cut you a break and didn't ban you as would've been his every right per the Rules. Now you're back doing the same thing. What's the deal???

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