How about racking up an extra $2 TRILLION dollars of debt, bailing out Wall Street, causing my insurance premiums to go up 15% this year, I could keep going but you know there is PLENTY that BHO and the Congress have done that pisses a LOT of people off.
Okay so we can eliminate the Socialized Medicine, United States of Communism bullshit. That is all gone. You have reduced your criticism to corporate favoritism. I think a lot of people--Liberals and conservatives agree and can reign in this shit.
All we have to do is focus on 3 things. 1. Stop running up war debts (those are in the trillions too, ya know). 2. Ban and Sue Megacorps for bonuses. 3. Install meaningful regulation which prevents economic bubbles from ever occuring again. This means we break up the banks/insurance company megacorps.
We can end tax breaks for some industries, close tax evasion loopholes/profit offshoring and a whole lot of other areas we can all agree on.
We will part ways on the Bush tax cuts--they actually instigated the deficit run up when coupled with a never-ending warmonger campaign. I can't promise yours and my taxes won't be where they were before Dumbya came to office and destroyed everything:wave2: But the NO NEW TAXES message would be intellectually honest since they aren't new taxes, just old needed ones that worked fine when the economy was functioning:wave2: