Fox News catches a Pastor at a strip club

Although I'm not a Christian, I don't see the problem with ministering the Gospel at the strip joint

For 6-weeks FOX 25 watched as Pastor Randy Robertson spent hour after hour at the strip club. So we walked in the strip club camera rolling. At first the pastor had little to say. He hid in the restroom and tried to take our microphone. We also went to his church to see if it would open its books to prove whether the pastor was spending church money on that stripper.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If he was looking for sinners, he went to the right place :p

Spread the love around!!!
Catholics priests abusing kid, pastors at strip-club.... Something is definately fucked up with christianity !


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes sometimes I get to spread the word of God, when I layeth dollar bills on a stage with twinkling lights and some nubile co ed trying to pay off her student loans.
Catholics priests abusing kid, pastors at strip-club.... Something is definately fucked up with christianity !

That's not true. Just because people are Christians and try to hold themselves to the standard set by Jesus, it doesn't mean people can always expect themselves to live up to that standard of perfection. People are imperfect, and they are trying their best. In spite of that, they will make mistakes too.

By the way, Catholic priests don't have a corner on the child abuse market. People of all faiths (and no faiths at all) do the same thing. Pastors aren't the only ones going to strip clubs. I'm sure most of the people posting on this board have been in a strip club or two in their life time. I know I have.


Postal Paranoiac
He was administering to the sinful masses. Just like the nuns who gave handjobs to homeless men in that Whoopie Goldberg smash hit Sisters Act!:angels:
It could have been a lot worse. :facepalm:
Doesn't FOX news have better things to do? Like editing video of the President to make it look like he said something he didn't.

Of course not.

They have to make sure that every ones ball sack stays full and their dick stays dry on top of keeping the less intelligent masses scared shitless of some impending revolution.

ow they manage to do all this while placing all the blame on the black guy day in and day out in a timely fashion is beyond me.

so it is true after all.

put a bunch of monkeys in a room with type writers and they will make shakespeare.