Yeah, I smoked from the age of 15, until about 25, quit for 3 years, started again, and smoked up until about 3 1/2...4 years ago. I wish I would have marked the day down, so I knew for sure how long it's been. I still wish I could indulge when I drink, but I know I would just start again. If your going to quit, you have to WANT TO quit. I mean really want it. For me, it was a combination of needing to, for health reasons, and being feed up with tax increases, from an administration that denied me certain rights I believed they shouldn't. It was a motivator for me, what I needed to use, as a reminder when the urge got strong. I also had a little help from my doctor. He gave me a prescription to an anti depressant called, Wellbutrin. It helped keep me from snapping, and getting off track, and I was only on it for a month. It's the same drug as Zyban, which is for stopping the habit too, but it doesn't have the wole program that goes with it. It helped a lot, because I smoked 2 packs of Camel non filters a day, and after continuing to smoke, and taking the drug for 2 weeks, I just stopped one day, and took the drug for another 2 weeks, and never looked back. More importantly, I never got mad, irritable, or cranky with anyone. Never even raised my voice. Good luck, I hope you do it. The other thing that's nice is, looking in my wallet at the end of the week, and still seeing some cash.