Former Smokers?

Has anyone smoked for a long period and sucessfully quit? What method worked best for you? Any advice?
I know this very bad habit is killing me.


Closed Account
I smoked from 14-years-old until 22. I still sometimes indulge. Very rarely and only if I'm very intoxicated. Always regret it the next day though.

I honestly quit cold turkey. Just decided one day it wasn't for me anymore. I was tired of being sick, waking up with smoke in my hair and on my pillow. Besides, it makes a hangover 10x worse.

The best advice I can give is to find something to substitute for the act of smoking. In my case it was exercise and a lot of chewing on pencils/pens. I also bite my nails a lot. Any of these are better than smoking.

I've heard carrots can be a good sub too.

Just decide to quit and you will.
I quit thirteen years ago.I decided I had to stop because I had terrible coughing and spitting out lots of brown mucus.
And that was before I had turned 25,so I thought I probably smoke myself to an early grave.
I was just gonna check for how long I could quit and I am still checking.
There was many,long bikerides though.....


Quit 1 year ago, started back up then quit again in Feb when my son was born and have not touch one in 7 months. The urge is still there but you just have to fight it. You wioll quit and start several times.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah, I smoked from the age of 15, until about 25, quit for 3 years, started again, and smoked up until about 3 1/2...4 years ago. I wish I would have marked the day down, so I knew for sure how long it's been. I still wish I could indulge when I drink, but I know I would just start again. If your going to quit, you have to WANT TO quit. I mean really want it. For me, it was a combination of needing to, for health reasons, and being feed up with tax increases, from an administration that denied me certain rights I believed they shouldn't. It was a motivator for me, what I needed to use, as a reminder when the urge got strong. I also had a little help from my doctor. He gave me a prescription to an anti depressant called, Wellbutrin. It helped keep me from snapping, and getting off track, and I was only on it for a month. It's the same drug as Zyban, which is for stopping the habit too, but it doesn't have the wole program that goes with it. It helped a lot, because I smoked 2 packs of Camel non filters a day, and after continuing to smoke, and taking the drug for 2 weeks, I just stopped one day, and took the drug for another 2 weeks, and never looked back. More importantly, I never got mad, irritable, or cranky with anyone. Never even raised my voice. Good luck, I hope you do it. The other thing that's nice is, looking in my wallet at the end of the week, and still seeing some cash.
Started at about 13-14, stopped when I was 18 - I couldn't see the point in carrying on in something that I didn't enjoy. I just stopped one day, no patches, no gum. I don't really have an addictive personality (except for FreeOnes of course ;)) so I didn't miss them once I did stop.

Although at a party or when drunk I'll still spark one up, or five. :dunno:


I quit a few years ago but as for advice, I can't really give any. I literally just stopped one day. Threw a half pack on the floor and stamped on it and said "no more".

I know people say the cravings and addiction if it is hard to overcome, but in my mind I just don't understand it.

I smoke occasionally now when I'm drunk, but I don't know why. When I'm sober I can't stand the taste of it anymore.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I smoked for years ever since I was a teenager. Pack to pack and a half a day Marlboro guy. When I hit 50 and right after Peter Jennings died, I just had this horrible vision of me going to the doctor some day with a bad cough and being told that I only have weeks to live. I just fucking quit right there....cold turkey.

You can do it but only if you really want to do it. Here's a cool website that helped me through a few tough days that I would highly recommend:

Now, 5 years later, I can't imagine smoking a cigarette. Best thing I ever did.

Good luck.
I smoked from 14 to this year (22). I quit about 5 months ago and its the best thing i ever did. I tried patches, fake cigs and alla that bullsheet. For me the best way was to go cold turkey and use will power to stop it, but of course for other people other methods are going to help more.

Try all solutions, groups, patches, gum ect and see which works best. If your going at it with will power alone then i suggest you remove all smoke-related things and lock them up somewhere. Take up a hobby or something that can consume your time to prevent you from smoking, maybe take up more hours at work? anything that will keep your hands busy.

And also...beware of over-eating! when you try and stop smoking you seem to be more hungry so you can put weight on whilst trying to quit. Good luck, i hope you do quit as it will make your life much better!
i smoked for 3 years and quit cold turkey one day. its not hard. i dont know what all the fuss is about. if you want to quit man up and do it.
I smoked for 13 years and gave it up almost 8 years ago. I quit cold turkey and it was quite difficult. Good Luck!