Former Astronaut Claims Aliens Exist


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Forget about them not blowing us up. If the aliens were really benevolent they would solve global warming for us and give us technology to download porn 10 times faster. :1orglaugh

Or, if they really wanted to kill us all, they would only let us have one of those, and then sit back and watch everyone in the world kill each other.


Postal Paranoiac
My guess is he was having a little fun at the interviewer's expense. :D
This would explain the noises coming through the walls from the two lads who live next door to me... they're aliens, its so clear now :p
We have a member here who might be able to shed some light on the validity of claims of alien visitors.While I have no proof the people he is meeting with in these pictures are extra-terrestial they are very strangley attired.So Mr.Dick Van "Tricky Dick" Cock can you shed some light on the nature of these meetings and the identity of the "beings"???:dunno:
'Though I don't necessarily subscribe to Dr. Mitchell's stated opinion, I must admit that I am a believer in life elsewhere in this universe. I mean, how incredibly arrogant are we to think we *could* (or possibly *are*) be the only semblance of intelligent life in the cosmos???

'Sides, there is documented evidence amongst the astronaut corps that there have been numerous unexplained sightings / encounters throughout the entire space exploration program. I'd say that alone lends a small bit of credence to the doctor's statements.

Whether you choose to believe or disbelieve is irrelevant ... therein lies the quandary, though ... who's to say that an entirely separate intelligent species has not co-existed with us ... a la "The X-Files"?

Can any one of you say definitively and authoritatively that we are alone in this universe?

I think not.
I don't know about this astronauts claims but extraterrestrial lifeforms exist. There is honestly no way that out of the entire universe the planet Earth is the only planet with life on it.
I kinda of believe him, but I doubt seriously aliens have made contact with our world govt's.

I believe aliens are observing us and are following something like Star trek's "Prime Directive" by not interfering or making themselves known until we finally figure out that killing ourselves is a waste of time.



Closed Account
I believe him, completely. He's not the first astronaut to make such a claim either. Buzz has been talking about this for years. I am mostly certain there is a cover-up of some degree here. What it involves exactly, is up for contention.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Here's two of my favorite videos regarding ET's. Short and sweet. :thumbsup:

- Battle of Los Angeles. What was this all about?

- Truman admits flying saucers exist . Real? Fake? I don't know. But I believe.


Closed Account
The fact that the reporter has such a horrible, nasally tone of voice will put a lot of people off and they'll more than likely dismiss it as a poor beat-up. There's no seriousness to the interview. If the reporter did his homework he'd cite how Aldrin and various other members of Apollo missions share similar beliefs. But no, this is for when you're sitting at home, eating dinner just having seen chaos and complete carnage in some war-torn corner of the Earth and this piece is merely to get your mind onto something apparently much less serious and even laughable. So while you're finishing your peas and potatoes you don't feel like such a horrible human being for even remembering the latest news of fighting on the front, let alone feeling apart of or condoning it. Compelling, but easily forgettable as a serious issue/talking point. Good find nonetheless IMO. :)
If he or anyone expects to be taken seriously they will have to produce concrete proof and not just the vague statement "I heard from someone" type of evidence.
Don't buy it, but I do believe in life out there among the stars. I just don't buy into whatever is out there being advanced enough to travel the distance to make it to Earth.
NASA let this guy out of a decompression chamber too soon.

Seriously though, he's always been kind of a whack job, and progressively moreso with age.

I have no doubt extra-terrestrials exist somewhere. I'm just as sure they've never visited us.
If he or anyone expects to be taken seriously they will have to produce concrete proof and not just the vague statement "I heard from someone" type of evidence.

Evidence? Why in the world would you require that? That is so unfair! :mad:

That would mean my "Bag of Frozen Pink Unicorns & Peas Somewhere in the Universe Outside our Solar System" theory would completely break down. :( Right now it holds up perfectly well under the "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" defense. I challenge anyone to prove that this very real bag *cannot* or *does not* exist.

In order to prove to skeptics that it *does* exist would require me to provide *shudder* evidence. Thankfully I don't have to do that. :D

That is why I recommend everyone visit the organization founded by Edgar Mitchell - the Institute of Noetic Sciences. An open minded institute not constrained by the narrow confines of "scientific peer review" or "evidence." So unconstrained in fact that they have no interest in the $1million dollar prize offered by the James Randi Foundation.
Paranormal Prize

There you will become enlightened as Edgar explains how he communicated with people on the ground via ESP during Apollo 14, how distance healing can be used to cure cancer (but oddly not broken legs), and why shy ultra-advanced alien life forms are only interested in surreptitiously probing backwoods country folks and designing crop circles.
Second hand ...

First off, as others pointed out, this is second hand hearsay. Doesn't mean he's lying and it definitely doesn't mean he's crazy. It just means he trusts some people where he got the info.

Secondly, there have been many reports of unidentified objects during various space missions. Space junk is very prevalent and a real problem at times. So it's difficult to eliminate many things from consideration.

Third, it is not the policy of NASA and, in fact, NASA does not have the capability to track such things. All of those capabilities fall under the US Air Force and Navy. NASA relies on several USAF Space Wings for those capabilities.

Unfortunately, this all boils down to hearsay and many things, even NASA related, remain under 100% US military control and operation.
Why is the aliens always come to America anyway? We'd like a few of them over in the UK