Former Astronaut Claims Aliens Exist

article --->,23599,24070088-13762,00.html

FORMER NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.

"I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell said.

"It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

"I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit."

Dr. Mitchell also claims that the aliens technology is far superior than our own and that if they were hostile, they could kill us all very easily. So... wrap your head around that one.

You guys think he's crazy? Or is he telling the truth about about the existence of extra-terrestrials and the massive government cover-up?
His knowledge of aliens is based on hearsay not first hand experience. I take it with a grain of salt.
I would imagine that such a cover-up would not be susceptible to the rantings of one former astronaut. If various governments have been conspiring on this for so long, I am sure they would not just go around telling people about it. As far as the claim of superior technology, that should be self evident in the fact that these guys can travel at least to other solar systems, not to mention landing on Earth undetected (unless NORAD is in on it too!).


His knowledge of aliens is based on hearsay not first hand experience. I take it with a grain of salt.

Now, he's being unusually frank with us tonite . . . I dunno ! :D

You guys think he's crazy?

No, just a bit geriatrical maybe ? :dunno:
Maybe the fedz put a gun to his head after the "14" debrief and gave him the terms of disclosure regarding when he'd be "allowed" to disclose his story . . just so there's enough "cover time" for the masses to conclude that he's senile / suffers from dementia. :dunno:

Personally, I believe that if there were "others" in our universe, there would be an abundance of "solid" evidence of their presence / arrival etc., government confiscation notwithstanding. It seems that every "UFO" / "Extra T" picture that I've viewed appears messily pho.sho.ed or out of focus, has anybody else noticed this ?

Who knows ? It's anybodies guess . . It's all conjecture !! No it's not !!!

Yea it is ! Art Bell's guest said .. . . .


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Dr. Mitchell also claims that the aliens technology is far superior than our own and that if they were hostile, they could kill us all very easily.

No fucking shit, doc. Let's see... They have mastered space travel and can visit us from somewhere hundreds of light years from the solar system. And we are we suppsoed to expect them to have muskets?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Alzheimer's has kicked in.
No fucking shit, doc. Let's see... They have mastered space travel and can visit us from somewhere hundreds of light years from the solar system. And we are we suppsoed to expect them to have muskets?
The only weapons the aliens have around here are weedeaters and leaf blowers! :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The only weapons the aliens have around here are weedeaters and leaf blowers! :D

(Oh snap! No he didn't!)

Hey, weedeaters/whackers really hurt. Luckily those aliens can't afford the battery-powered ones. As long as you get outside of the power cord's range, you'll be safe.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
On one hand I do believe that there is stuff that the American (and other) governments have that they're not disclosing to the public of unidentified nature. Does it mean ET landed? :dunno: Or does it just mean they know when the next big rock is hitting us and ending humanity? :dunno:

On the other hand, maybe it happened like this and they're using the song to communicate with me since it's my ringtone...
On one hand I do believe that there is stuff that the American (and other) governments have that they're not disclosing to the public of unidentified nature. Does it mean ET landed? :dunno: Or does it just mean they know when the next big rock is hitting us and ending humanity? :dunno:

On the other hand, maybe it happened like this and they're using the song to communicate with me since it's my ringtone...
:eek: Maybe you have been abducted in your sleep Petra! :eek:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
:eek: Maybe you have been abducted in your sleep Petra! :eek:

I've always been waiting for my real family to come out of the stars and pick me up. :1orglaugh

Remember, the truth is out there.

Yes, it'll be released here on Aug 14th in the Netherlands I believe. :D
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[B][URL=" said:
Petra[/URL][/B], post: 2379218, member: 114093"]I've always been waiting for my real family to come out of the stars and pick me up. :1orglaugh
:1orglaugh pETra phone home! :1orglaugh


Huh ? "PETRA" . . That does sound kinda Astral, or "of the heavens", if you will, now that it's been mentioned. After all, she has openly disclosed that she resides "in her own little world". :tongue: :turnturn: :updown: :spin: :jester:
Forget about them not blowing us up. If the aliens were really benevolent they would solve global warming for us and give us technology to download porn 10 times faster. :1orglaugh