Food Safety Problems Slipped Past Private Inspectors

Yes, if we just deregulate and privatize everything, it should go about as smoothly as say.... peanut butter!


"When food industry giants like Kellogg want to ensure that American consumers are being protected from contaminated products, they rely on private inspectors like Eugene A. Hatfield. So last spring Mr. Hatfield headed to the Peanut Corporation of America plant in southwest Georgia to make sure its chopped nuts, paste and peanut butter were safe to use in things as diverse as granola bars and ice cream.

The peanut company, though, knew in advance that Mr. Hatfield was coming. He had less than a day to check the entire plant, which processed several million pounds of peanuts a month.

Mr. Hatfield, 66, an expert in fresh produce, was not aware that peanuts were readily susceptible to salmonella — which he was not required to test for anyway. And while Mr. Hatfield was inspecting the plant to reassure Kellogg and other food companies of its suitability as a supplier, the Peanut Corporation was paying for his efforts.

“The overall food safety level of this facility was considered to be: SUPERIOR,” he concluded in his March 27, 2008, report for his employer, the American Institute of Baking, which performs audits for major food companies. A copy of the audit was obtained by The New York Times.

Federal investigators later discovered that the dilapidated plant was ravaged by salmonella and had been shipping tainted peanuts and paste for at least nine months. But they were too late to prevent what has become one of the nation’s worst known outbreaks of food-borne disease in recent years, in which nine are believed to have died and an estimated 22,500 were sickened."

doesn't matter, I'll still eat the shit outta peanut butter

I can only see an improvement coming from this fiasco (like FDA gets bigger)


Postal Paranoiac
If we only knew how much gets past the inspectors...:eek:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The chances of getting seriously ill from consuming food is pretty much non-existent. Food is so safe now-a-days that even the "tainted" foods are still pretty much edible.

SHOULD you eat it? NO.
Could you eat it? Yeah, probably.

You'd actually be surprised at how lack-luster the regulations are with food. For instance, did you know that if a company that produces ground beef has tainted beef, they can LEGALLY sell it to grocery stores? There are no governmental regulations in which the United States can MAKE that company pull it's tainted beef from the shelves of grocery stores. Isn't that kind of...disturbing?

The only reason that companies actually do pull their tainted food off of shelves is because of publicity. That's it.
If we only knew how much gets past the inspectors...:eek:
Didn't the USPS fuckup and have an anthrax scare back in the day... :rolleyes:

I'm not hating on my favorite mail man, but that's calling the pot calling the kettle black :thumbsup:
The chances of getting seriously ill from consuming food is pretty much non-existent. Food is so safe now-a-days that even the "tainted" foods are still pretty much edible.

SHOULD you eat it? NO.
Could you eat it? Yeah, probably.

You'd actually be surprised at how lack-luster the regulations are with food. nine people died from these damn peanuts. Yeah, sure, my odds of winning the lottery are better, but still, when I play the lottery I do it willingly. When I buy food at the store I don't want to play a lottery of death brought on by the manufacturers' reckless disregard for life in order to maximize their profits.

And I wouldn't be surprised at how lackluster the regs are - that's what deregulation is all about. And when the companies are essentially policing themselves, this is the sort of stuff you get. Sure, SOME of them get caught, but many more get away with this sort of shit. Also, after I'm dead it's not much consolation that hey, I can sue the companies...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS nine people died from these damn peanuts. Yeah, sure, my odds of winning the lottery are better, but still, when I play the lottery I do it willingly. When I buy food at the store I don't want to play a lottery of death brought on by the manufacturers' reckless disregard for life in order to maximize their profits.

9 people...out of multiple number of millions of people. The percentage is so "insignificant" that it's almost zero percent. Not that death is insignificant. I'm just sayin'...

And I wouldn't be surprised at how lackluster the regs are - that's what deregulation is all about. And when the companies are essentially policing themselves, this is the sort of stuff you get. Sure, SOME of them get caught, but many more get away with this sort of shit.

I find it kind of funny how ass backwards the regulation of food can be. They inspect restaurants from ceiling to floor, making sure that everything is spotless. Everything has to be properly kept, handled and stored and everything has to be properly sanitized.

But, the regulations on what happens to the food before it gets to the restaurant(s) are so wish-washy. Like, wouldn't it make more sense to have more strict precautions BEFORE the food gets to the restaurant? That's when 99% of food is contaminated anyway.

I don't know, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Also, after I'm dead it's not much consolation that hey, I can sue the companies...



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
doesn't matter, I'll still eat the shit outta peanut butter

I think you mean that literally too, pikachar! (read below)

I can only see an improvement coming from this fiasco (like FDA gets bigger)

I work in the food/water safety industry and if you don't do something to sanitize your own produce (fruits and vegetables) after you buy it and bring it home, it's like plying Russian roulette with really nasty pathogens like e.coli, salmonella, etc. The FDA is already huge and look at the lousy fucking job they are doing of protecting consumers from infection!

Would you lick off a toilet seat in a public bathroom? I don't mean to be graphic, but that's basically the risk you take when you buy produce. There is literally no regulatory oversight when it comes to making sure that your food is safe as it goes from field to grocer's shelf. Summer before last, it was the spinach scare with e. coli. This past summer, it was salmonella and jalapeno peppers (took the FDA weeks to find the source!). Now, peanuts. No telling what's next....maybe something in that salad you'll eat tonight!

I don't want to sound like a shill for my own business interests so I won't mention any specific technologies or products but I would urge all of you to do some internet research about food-sanitizing products that are readily available, effective and quite affordable.

Someday, I predict that a MAJOR e. coli issue will occur with a mainstream foodstuff (like lettuce or onions) that will lead to a shitload of people getting very ill and quite a few deaths. Once that happens, maybe the FDA will mandate something. Until then, it's management by crisis, believe me.
If we only knew how much gets past the inspectors...:eek:

Inspectors are some of the most bribable people in the world also. It seems like a good portion of them almost expect to get it depending on the industry they work in as if it’s almost part of the job.
If we only knew how much gets past the inspectors...:eek:

Personally, I think it's better not to know.

I'd puke myself to death if I knew the truth.

Ignorance is bliss, as they* say.

*They? Who are they? Why are they always saying things?!?!?!? :helpme: