Following doctor's orders

Will E Worm

One of Dick Cheney's daughters says the former vice president is recovering well from the mild heart attack that sent him to the hospital last week.

Liz Cheney says her father is following doctor's orders. Dick Cheney, who's 69, has had five heart attacks - the first when he was 37.


Dick Cheney, who's 69, has had five heart attacks - the first when he was 37.

Five!? How is he still alive? :rolleyes:
Cheney's heart is irrelevant. He'll be fine as long as he stays clear of sunlight, garlic, pointed sticks, crucifixes and silver bullets.
Rey, are you in some way hinting that Mr. Cheney is not a good man?!!!:eek: It cant be true. This man has done so much good for our world. He should be given sainthood. But he sure was a dick in the 8 years I knew of him.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Silver bullets only apply to werewolves.

How about I cast some silver 7.62x39mm's and tap him in the chest about 40 times... and we'll see about that. ;)


How about I cast some silver 7.62x39mm's and tap him in the chest about 40 times... and we'll see about that. ;)

You reload the venerable ol' 39, huh ? You're a rare bird indeed !
Have things dried up that bad out there ? I used to see that Wolf stuff for about two and a half $ per carton.

Only once have I ever come across actual reloadable boxer primed brass cased 7.62 (.311) X .39mm, about 2 years ago, the guy was your typical AK nutter, he walks up to the firing line, pops in his banana :nanner: pow pow pow..... the guy slow fires through the whole magazine and only after his chamber locks open does he realize that he's showered four of us w/ pipin' hot Winchester x 39..... Now that's what I call a Dick !:updown: :tongue:

Am I drifting the thread ? :o Ah, well ...Get well, Dick !