Florida AG to propose immigration law tougher than Arizona's law

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum on Wednesday proposed tougher curbs against illegal migrants in his melting-pot state which he said would go "one step further" than a similar contested Arizona law.

The proposal by McCollum, who is lagging in a race to become the Republican candidate for governor, was certain to thrust Florida into the heated immigration debate that is a major issue ahead of November 2 midterm Congressional elections.

"This legislation will provide new enforcement tools for protecting our citizens and will help our state fight the ongoing problem created by illegal immigration," McCollum said, presenting the proposed measures at an event in Orlando.

"Florida will not be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens," added McCollum, accompanied by Representative Will Snyder.

The legislation will require Florida law enforcement officials to check a suspected illegal immigrant's status in the course of a stop, or a violation of another law. This goes beyond the existing situation in the state where officers are allowed to check immigration status, but not required to.

Florida, especially its southern portion, is a major U.S. migration destination for nationals from the Caribbean and Latin America, making it a cultural and racial melting-pot.

Many migrants work in the Sunshine State's $9 billion citrus sector, or in other farm industries and tourism.

In the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, Democrats hold majorities. But public opinion polls show Republicans gaining ground with an agenda that includes calls for cracking down on illegal immigration.

McCollum's office said the proposed Florida legislation goes "one step further" than a similar law introduced in Arizona, which has triggered protests and a constitutional challenge from President Barack Obama's administration.

"I think Arizona is going to want this law," McCollum said.


Sounds good. However he is running for governor so I hope this isn't a bunch of pre-election BS to get more votes. Something he will carry on with until he gets what he wants and pushes it to the back burner when in office.

He should also make a law that if Dolphins lose more than half their games in a season they all get a month in jail. :rolleyes:


Keep the darkies out!!! They talk funny, they eat funny food, they have bullshit holidays that have nothing to do white people and.....they breed. And not a single heavy metal band among them. It's all reggae and funk and salsa and whatever that round metal thing that they beat on. By God, this must be stopped.
Keep the darkies out!!! They talk funny, they eat funny food, they have bullshit holidays that have nothing to do white people and.....they breed. And not a single heavy metal band among them. It's all reggae and funk and salsa and whatever that round metal thing that they beat on. By God, this must be stopped.

What does any of that have to do about illegal immigration? Being Florida go take a look at some of the Haitian gangs that are illegals here. It has nothing to do about color of skin or culture. It has to do about being in a country undocumented, illegally, and sapping up resources. Federal law does not enforce what it should be so the states are starting to take action on their own.

I expect to see more states follow it. Arizona took the initiative and now another state is taking its own action.

Unless of course this is one of your not serious posts being taken literally.
I expect to see more states follow it. Arizona took the initiative and now another state is taking its own action.

Those states need to stop pussy footing around and start writing ordinances of secession already!

Their governors must issue a call for volunteers to defend their borders against the tyrannical president in the white house who wants to destroy their way of life!

(never mind that the last president did nothing about illegal immigration, he was a white Republican so he got a free pass)

Then somebody in one of those states needs to fire, unprovoked, on a federal installation :nanner:

Oh wait, a whole section of suicidally short-sighted firebrand conservatives already tried that once.
Result: their states in ruin; 600,000 americans dead.

But yeah, get on with your bad selves conservatives in Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, et al :rolleyes:


I still maintain that this is more race control than illegal immigration. I still maintain that like flag burning, this is nothing more than an attempt by politicians to get easy votes. I say that this sort of law impacts legal Americans that aren't white the most. And I say be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I just moved from the apple capitol of America (central Washington) where virtually all the work is done by hispanics, legal and illegal. No one, and I do mean no one else is lining up for these jobs. And if they did, the store prices that you, me and everyone else pays would skyrocket.

And I still say that this issue exists because dried-up old white people got tired of beating their head against the abortion wall, but they still want to project their miserable take on the world, on the rest of us.


Hiliary 2020
Keep the darkies out!!! They talk funny, they eat funny food, they have bullshit holidays that have nothing to do white people and.....they breed. And not a single heavy metal band among them. It's all reggae and funk and salsa and whatever that round metal thing that they beat on. By God, this must be stopped.

oh youre bringing me down man.
is that the best you got?
white racism is the reason?

thats all i've got to say about that, can't get into another racism is not the issue debate.

florida does have a lot of illegals.
the state is actually custom made for illegal immigrantes.
you've got the citrus and other farms, including horse farms.
and a huge service industry because of all the seniors living there.

there is quick money to be made there.
too bad the work visa process is such a bitch, because the truth is many of those farms, even restaurants would probably have a tough time getting the help they need without illegals.
but even if the work visa process was made easier, most would still probably just go there illegally still.

I am also interested about how the miami area cuban population will respond to this.


oh youre bringing me down man.
is that the best you got?
white racism is the reason?

thats all i've got to say about that, can't get into another racism is not the issue debate.

Man, I am having the hardest time being a sarcastic fuck today. I don't get it. Ah well.

I do think there is a percentage of racism going on with these legislative maneuvers. I don't think there would be this much hysteria if we were still getting huge numbers of Irish, German, Swedish (screw it, Europeans) coming into Ellis Island. My opinion.

florida does have a lot of illegals.
the state is actually custom made for illegal immigrantes.
you've got the citrus and other farms, including horse farms.
and a huge service industry because of all the seniors living there.

there is quick money to be made there.
too bad the work visa process is such a bitch, because the truth is many of those farms, even restaurants would probably have a tough time getting the help they need without illegals.
but even if the work visa process was made easier, most would still probably just go there illegally still.

I am also interested about how the miami area cuban population will respond to this.

And that is another major point I'm trying to make. We are kind of cutting our own throats, while trying to feel better. Who exactly is going to work these jobs if we eliminate the work force?


Hiliary 2020
maybe, we don't know, euro people aren't coming and going by the millions.
also millions of illegal euros arent abusing the welfare and medicaid system.
and ect ect
you may be right, but we'll never know for sure.

either way its a mess in so many ways.
its getting old.

I wonder what the racial makeup of the police force is in Florida. I'm guessing it's probably not 100% lily white, huh?


Postal Paranoiac
Yeah? What're they going to do? Put some more sharks in the water?
Good luck. Sure they will be able to net immigrants the same way that they always have which is just to pull over any truck full of brown people.... but it will get tied up in court with all the same lawsuits that will be and have been filed in Arizona.

What is the basis for requiring someone to show proof of citizenship when they are pulled over for a routine traffic stop? There is none. Which is where the loophole (or the dead end, depending on your POV) is: the cop's have to have suspicion that you are an illegal immigrant. And what praytell might that be?

Unless they just hopped the fence, they will know what to say: Talk to my lawyer...


My Penis Is Dancing!
If I read this right, if they get rid of all the illegals, the hillbillies and rednecks will be expected to work the farms.
Yeah, good luck with that.


Hiliary 2020
If I read this right, if they get rid of all the illegals, the hillbillies and rednecks will be expected to work the farms.
Yeah, good luck with that.

yeah, its cool to insult white people, fashionable and accepted.
but don't say.........ah forget it.

legal people will work the farms if the pay is worth it.
the 3 bucks an hour they pay the wetback **** little sneaky indian fuckers aint gonna cut it.
but that might mean the price of orange juice might have to go up .25 gallon.


Hiliary 2020
Good luck. Sure they will be able to net immigrants the same way that they always have which is just to pull over any truck full of brown people.... but it will get tied up in court with all the same lawsuits that will be and have been filed in Arizona.

What is the basis for requiring someone to show proof of citizenship when they are pulled over for a routine traffic stop? There is none. Which is where the loophole (or the dead end, depending on your POV) is: the cop's have to have suspicion that you are an illegal immigrant. And what praytell might that be?

Unless they just hopped the fence, they will know what to say: Talk to my lawyer...

ok so forget it then.
just open the border, fire all the border control people and maybe build some freeways through the border for comfortable access.
perhaps start a shuttle service.
we might as well hang up billboards along the border too, "Pregnant? Come on in, we'll pay for it".
Ok. sounds good. Isn't the invisible hand of the free market supposed to sort this out?

If Americans are losing their jobs, then isn't that their own fault for failing to live up to the qualities that make their immigrant competitors more desirable to hire?

Or is the job of Big Government to tell Big Business how to run and decide which rights apply and which don't? And Conservatives called John Kerry a Flip Flopper a few years ago.

Hey, maybe if we give all our money to Mexico, then no one will want to come here and instead Americans will want to go there and work for 3 bucks an hour. I bet that money will go a long way if we don't have to pay crooked welfare taxes anymore, am I right?