Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum on Wednesday proposed tougher curbs against illegal migrants in his melting-pot state which he said would go "one step further" than a similar contested Arizona law.
The proposal by McCollum, who is lagging in a race to become the Republican candidate for governor, was certain to thrust Florida into the heated immigration debate that is a major issue ahead of November 2 midterm Congressional elections.
"This legislation will provide new enforcement tools for protecting our citizens and will help our state fight the ongoing problem created by illegal immigration," McCollum said, presenting the proposed measures at an event in Orlando.
"Florida will not be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens," added McCollum, accompanied by Representative Will Snyder.
The legislation will require Florida law enforcement officials to check a suspected illegal immigrant's status in the course of a stop, or a violation of another law. This goes beyond the existing situation in the state where officers are allowed to check immigration status, but not required to.
Florida, especially its southern portion, is a major U.S. migration destination for nationals from the Caribbean and Latin America, making it a cultural and racial melting-pot.
Many migrants work in the Sunshine State's $9 billion citrus sector, or in other farm industries and tourism.
In the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, Democrats hold majorities. But public opinion polls show Republicans gaining ground with an agenda that includes calls for cracking down on illegal immigration.
McCollum's office said the proposed Florida legislation goes "one step further" than a similar law introduced in Arizona, which has triggered protests and a constitutional challenge from President Barack Obama's administration.
"I think Arizona is going to want this law," McCollum said.
Sounds good. However he is running for governor so I hope this isn't a bunch of pre-election BS to get more votes. Something he will carry on with until he gets what he wants and pushes it to the back burner when in office.
He should also make a law that if Dolphins lose more than half their games in a season they all get a month in jail.