Fitted t-shirts for men, is this your style or no?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I prefer loose fitting shirts myself. My girl likes me to wear the fitted t's. Would be fine but I don't have a 6 pack.
If you look good, then fitted looks best. Nothing dumber looking than a guy who's fit but is hiding it all underneath a baggy tshirt.

That would be me. I've been into working out/bodybuilding for 19 years (natural), but rarely rare tight shirts. I prefer comfort. My girlfriend (now ex) was starting to have me wear clothes that showed me off a little, but with her leaving me, I'm going back to baggy.
Uhm. Listen. That guys shirt isn't fitted. It's too small. It looks like he borrowed it from his little brother.


Hiliary 2020
I wear both but I can cause I workout

me to. how much ya bench?

i wear tight shirts, not real tight, but snug.
i have trouble finding shirts that fit in the chest arm shoulders
i do notice that more men check me out (not in a gay way, its more envy) than women.
here anerexically skinny, weak, soft , feminine bags of bones is the norm for men. its actually pretty sick to see. in the states they would be sent to a nutritionist. being that skinny cant be healthy.