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First Lady Melania Trump

Let’s see the supermodels that you are banging stud.

Little mrs Trump couldn’t hang with my wife if her existence depended upon it.
My lady is beautiful, educated, and trained by her father, a former Army Ranger.
I wouldn’t put my dick in the Cheetos woman on a bet.
Sad way you keep score in life.
Super model my ass.
B level pornstar maybe.


Staff member
Little mrs Trump couldn’t hang with my wife if her existence depended upon it.
My lady is beautiful, educated, and trained by her father, a former Army Ranger.
I wouldn’t put my dick in the Cheetos woman on a bet.
Sad way you keep score in life.
Super model my ass.
B level pornstar maybe.

You seem to put yourself on an unreasonable pedestal. :nono:
Little mrs Trump couldn’t hang with my wife if her existence depended upon it.
My lady is beautiful, educated, and trained by her father, a former Army Ranger.
I wouldn’t put my dick in the Cheetos woman on a bet.
Sad way you keep score in life.
Super model my ass.
B level pornstar maybe.

Your wife’s dad trained her in how to have sex?

They’re not migrants. They’re invaders. And many aren’t related to the adult invaders they are with. The Obama administration separated kids from the adults.If they don’t want to be separated, don’t come here and violate our immigration laws.

So, you're ok with a goivernment punishing kids for their parent's mistakes ?
So, you're ok with a goivernment punishing kids for their parent's mistakes ?

Johan, if a U.S. citizen who is a parent and commits a crime is jailed ... are they separated from their kids? Why is the justice system punishing their kids?

And this is simply following the law as it's written. They can't hold the kids for more than x number of days.

Like the stupid democrats in congress who make a show of lambasting ICE directors in congressional hearings only to be told that ICE is just enforcing the laws that CONGRESS ENACTED.

these fucking people.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Johan, if a U.S. citizen who is a parent and commits a crime is jailed ... are they separated from their kids? Why is the justice system punishing their kids?

From a purely logical standpoint, that actually is a legitimate question. I mean, it is. Some babies of female convicts in the U.S. are born in prison and spend several months there in special wards until they're weaned. Once they reach a certain age, they're either placed (by the courts) with family members of the convict or placed in foster care. But in any case, the children are separated from one or both parents. So, as you asked, how is that different? :dunno:

I admit, a lot of these cases are sad. But they've been brought about by the parents committing an illegal act. If I illegally enter Canada or Mexico, I would be detained or jailed - and rightly so. Maybe I'm from a gang-infested neighborhood in the U.S. (South-Central L.A. or the southside of Chicago, maybe) and I'm trying to escape the violence. Maybe I'm a woman and my husband beats me. But if I had my underage kid with me when I illegally crossed into Canada or Mexico, they still wouldn't let me roam around free just because Junior was with me at the time, would they? No.

I'm sorry, but in too many cases, what's happening is just an expansion of the anchor baby concept. I have no malice in my heart for these people and I'm sorry about their plight, but I do not agree with that.
From a purely logical standpoint, that actually is a legitimate question. I mean, it is. Some babies of female convicts in the U.S. are born in prison and spend several months there in special wards until they're weaned. Once they reach a certain age, they're either placed (by the courts) with family members of the convict or placed in foster care. But in any case, the children are separated from one or both parents. So, as you asked, how is that different? :dunno:

WTF? I'm sorry but I don't see how that is even remotely comparable to what's going on at the border. Yes it's true that when a person is CHARGED with a crime he /she is separated from their family by way of prison. For example let's imagine my dad is on trial for murder. The judge reads the verdict. 30 years in prison. The guards come and escort him out of the courtroom to eventually take him to prison. What they don't do though is come into the gallery, grab me and my sister, and then take us to a government facility where we will be held with other children of convicted criminals.

I admit, a lot of these cases are sad. But they've been brought about by the parents committing an illegal act.

But it's not an illegal act if they are seeking asylum. Those who are seeking asylum are actually following the law! Now some of you might not like that law but the law says that anyone who arrives in the United States “whether or not at a designated port of arrival…may apply for asylum.” Those who are presenting themselves at a port of entry are following the law to a T. However, they are then either lied to by border agents and turned away or they are detained indefinitely. Luckily a judge then ruled that it's illegal to indefinitely lock up asylum seekers while they are awaiting their hearing and subsequent judges (including SCOTUS) have struck down the Trump admin's asylum proclamations. The Trump administration is not just ignoring the law, they're making a mockery of it

It's funny how the ones constantly proclaiming the "rule of law" are actually the ones who are not following the law

Maybe I'm a woman and my husband beats me. But if I had my underage kid with me when I illegally crossed into Canada or Mexico, they still wouldn't let me roam around free just because Junior was with me at the time, would they? No.

No you wouldn't be allowed to roam around free because you actually be given due process, which isn't happening now because of the incompetency of this administration. If you were seeking asylum and passed your initial credible fear exam you then would be processed, released with Junior into the country and be given a court date


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Just so that my point is clear: the people who are following legal procedures in their attempts to gain asylum, I don't particularly have an issue with. They deserve their day in court, as it were. But let's not pretend that all of the detainees are following that path. There's good and bad within every grouping of humans. So some are attempting to play the system or have entered illegally. For those people and their families, the bad situation that they are in has been created by their own actions. So it is what it is. And so, yes, I do believe that (the poster known this week as ;)) sean miguel asked a legitimate question.

As for what happens to the minor children of people convicted of crimes (and sometimes just charged), yes, indeed they are placed in foster care or in the care of qualified family members by the court system. Social workers will and do remove those children from the home, depending on who is still in the home. If both parents are going away, or if one is going away and the other is strung out on drugs or whatever, then the kids are taken away. Happens every day. A family I'm acquainted with is keeping two boys in foster care, where dad is locked up and mom is a meth head. That kept the boys out of a state foster care institution.

I'm actually in favor of immigration reform, because it's abundantly clear that the system that we have now is not just bent, it is broken. But no how, no way do I agree with those who are in favor of open borders or believing every sad tale that gets told.
WTF? I'm sorry but I don't see how that is even remotely comparable to what's going on at the border. Yes it's true that when a person is CHARGED with a crime he /she is separated from their family by way of prison. For example let's imagine my dad is on trial for murder. The judge reads the verdict. 30 years in prison. The guards come and escort him out of the courtroom to eventually take him to prison. What they don't do though is come into the gallery, grab me and my sister, and then take us to a government facility where we will be held with other children of convicted criminals.

But it's not an illegal act if they are seeking asylum. Those who are seeking asylum are actually following the law! Now some of you might not like that law but the law says that anyone who arrives in the United States “whether or not at a designated port of arrival…may apply for asylum.” Those who are presenting themselves at a port of entry are following the law to a T. However, they are then either lied to by border agents and turned away or they are detained indefinitely. Luckily a judge then ruled that it's illegal to indefinitely lock up asylum seekers while they are awaiting their hearing and subsequent judges (including SCOTUS) have struck down the Trump admin's asylum proclamations. The Trump administration is not just ignoring the law, they're making a mockery of it

It's funny how the ones constantly proclaiming the "rule of law" are actually the ones who are not following the law

No you wouldn't be allowed to roam around free because you actually be given due process, which isn't happening now because of the incompetency of this administration. If you were seeking asylum and passed your initial credible fear exam you then would be processed, released with Junior into the country and be given a court date


There is so much WRONG with this shit that it would take me a day to straighten it out.
Just right off of the top, the scenario this guy paints is of AMERICAN CITIZENS AND THEIR AMERICAN CITIZEN CHILDREN being processed through our court system and he is comparing their situation to that of asylum seekers and the children that they bring with them.
Secondly, asylum seekers do not get to cherry pick the country in which they seek asylum. If they reach a Safe Third Country they must seek asylum in that designated Safe Third Country first.
The U.S. and Mexico are in the process of changing that designation and recognizing Mexico as a Safe Third Country at this very moment.
Of course the left oppose this designation because it defeats the purpose of the bullshit asylum claims being processed at the border.

You have to take anything this Iceman clown says with a grain of salt. He’s an open borders advocate of Hispanic descent that wants as many Mexicans, South and Central Americans walking into the country as possible. To file a claim for asylum,there are two criteria that have to be met, reasonable and credible fear of persecution. The only thing being persecuted on most of them is their wallets. These people are claiming that they fear they will be tortured and prosecuted if they return home. Like a Syrian Christian would be.

A woman that works in my office is from Venezuela, she has a friend from Colombia that is facing removal because the government didn’t buy her marriage as legitimate. She asked me if I could help and immigration is not my area of expertise so I called an immigration attorney that I know, and he said “ it’s totally bullshit, but I can keep her here under an asylum claim. I presented what he told me to her and she broke down in tears because she has a son in Colombia and she can’t return if she is here under an asylum claim.

Just STFU iceclown. You don’t know shit.
Just so that my point is clear: the people who are following legal procedures in their attempts to gain asylum, I don't particularly have an issue with. They deserve their day in court, as it were. But let's not pretend that all of the detainees are following that path. There's good and bad within every grouping of humans. So some are attempting to play the system or have entered illegally. For those people and their families, the bad situation that they are in has been created by their own actions. So it is what it is. And so, yes, I do believe that (the poster known this week as ;)) sean miguel asked a legitimate question.

As for what happens to the minor children of people convicted of crimes (and sometimes just charged), yes, indeed they are placed in foster care or in the care of qualified family members by the court system. Social workers will and do remove those children from the home, depending on who is still in the home. If both parents are going away, or if one is going away and the other is strung out on drugs or whatever, then the kids are taken away. Happens every day. A family I'm acquainted with is keeping two boys in foster care, where dad is locked up and mom is a meth head. That kept the boys out of a state foster care institution.

I'm actually in favor of immigration reform, because it's abundantly clear that the system that we have now is not just bent, it is broken. But no how, no way do I agree with those who are in favor of open borders or believing every sad tale that gets told.

I think nobody knows more about immigration than I do, maybe in the history of the world


Staff member
I think nobody knows more about immigration than I do, maybe in the history of the world

You know nothing to immigration, because you constaly endorse illegal aliens, open borders, sanctuary cities and despicable double standard Obama muppets who prefer illegals to their own citizens:thefinger: