Finally Sex


I am doing fine on money now guys. Thanks for the support along the line and the people who actually wanted to donate me some cash. Lulz, I'm doing good now until I leave for the AF.


You will probably get plenty of sex in the Air Force.
Girls tend to flock to guys in uniform and the girls in the Air Force itself are known for being easy.
Trust me, I know from experience.


You will probably get plenty of sex in the Air Force.
Girls tend to flock to guys in uniform and the girls in the Air Force itself are known for being easy.
Trust me, I know from experience.

So now your forcing me to have sex with women? HYPOCRIT, after last night I'm surprised I didn't lose my spot in the air force. You and Me :eek: forever


Member, you member...
It's good that you are in a better place now, Number Guy. lol

Good luck!
good to hear everything is ok


Postal Paranoiac
Did I leave my remote control here?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Penguins can't fly.

Penguins... Can't... FLY!!!!


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Its good to hear that things are looking up for you.:thumbsup:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You will probably get plenty of sex in the Air Force.
Girls tend to flock to guys in uniform and the girls in the Air Force itself are known for being easy.
Trust me, I know from experience.

Now from experince, do you mean wearing a clown suit and trying to get kids into your van to help you find your lost puppy, because that is the only uniform you be wearing! Sorry I just had to fuck with you on that one.....24788 great going man, keep it up!