FIFA 10 demo

yeah I tried it on PS3...I like it more than Fifa09 its more realistic i think, but I can't compare it with PES because I never played it ^^, I have ever played fifa and its the best game for a battle between friends i think :D
Seems to me it's a bit dissapointing... the 360 degree function rocks, though.
The PSN update this week will have a PES 10 demo. Dl it to try it, I'd say. I will for sure!! Hard to say which one is going to be the better one, but that's the one I want!
I must say... this year's FIFA sucks...! Too bad!
Good new is: I've played PES 10, too, which isn't all that bad so far....
Seems to me it's a bit dissapointing... the 360 degree function rocks, though.
The PSN update this week will have a PES 10 demo. Dl it to try it, I'd say. I will for sure!! Hard to say which one is going to be the better one, but that's the one I want!

I played it recently I thought it was OK, downloading PES 10 at the mo so will see if its any good. What did you not like about it?
I played it recently I thought it was OK, downloading PES 10 at the mo so will see if its any good. What did you not like about it?

The gameplay is too much arcade. It's all way too easy. No real tangible improvements compared to 2k9, if you ask me.
The graphics aren't that important too me, but they do suck big time.
I downloaded it for ps3, cant wait to get it. I used to be a Pro Evo fan through and through, then they started to go downhill so now im a FIFA fan
The gameplay is too much arcade. It's all way too easy. No real tangible improvements compared to 2k9, if you ask me.
The graphics aren't that important too me, but they do suck big time.

Yes thats a fair comment, I didnt really play Fifa 09 instead I stuck with the last incarnation of PES 09? I am downloading PES 10 so should have a fair idea what that may turn out out be like.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
I used to be a FIFA fan but got into Pro Evo through friends in 2001. I've bought every Pro Evo since then until now, as I've ordered Fifa 2010 instead this year. Pro Evo has gone downhill IMO:2 cents:
I used to be a FIFA fan but got into Pro Evo through friends in 2001. I've bought every Pro Evo since then until now, as I've ordered Fifa 2010 instead this year. Pro Evo has gone downhill IMO:2 cents:

Same for me... I just got into Pro Evo earlier. And I've started to look at FIFA again since 2008, when they made a great comeback (and PES 08/09 suck big time!!). I don't understand why you would switch over to FIFA THIS year b/c PES has greatly improved compared to last year - beating FIFA again imo - after losing last year! (I just don't understand b/c you say to be a PES-fanboy)
Did you play the 2010 demo's...?!

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Hey paveman. Yeah, I played the PES demo and liked it, but it was just a bit too similar. I played as Italy and beat France 4-0 and was a bit turned off by that. One of the things I liked about the FIFA demo is that its a new game to me and it'll be fun to master. Plus I want the leagues and competitions for a change. So fed up with changing North London Reds to Arsenal every year. :2 cents:
Haha, I can imagine! And just playing with North London Reds is just not as much fun as playing with Arsenal, right?
And reading your arguments I can understand the switch!
They bring new edition of Fifa every year and the graphics is the same always. The only difference are some new players and teams, stadiums and the crowd...

Electronic Arts have established gold mine and they are working 24/7/365
They bring new edition of Fifa every year and the graphics is the same always. The only difference are some new players and teams, stadiums and the crowd...

Electronic Arts have established gold mine and they are working 24/7/365

That's not too strange, considering the development of a new graphics engine is very time consuming. The most important part imo is still the gameplay: has it evolved enough for 2009 players and new players alike, or is it just an improved version of the previous year....
But anyways: you do have a point!
Hey paveman. Yeah, I played the PES demo and liked it, but it was just a bit too similar. I played as Italy and beat France 4-0 and was a bit turned off by that. One of the things I liked about the FIFA demo is that its a new game to me and it'll be fun to master. Plus I want the leagues and competitions for a change. So fed up with changing North London Reds to Arsenal every year. :2 cents:

I have recently played this too, but wasnt as overly impressed as perhaps I might be, still more impressed with FIFA 10. I played the demo with the default teams ie (Liverpool V Barcelona) and the names of teams/ players were all there, but does this mean as you mention that they have again licensed only certain clubs again, with all the others needing name changes. This is one big area PES falls down flat on its face and FIFA continues to shine:accurate player and team names! Makes FIFA 10 a much more professional looking outing in that respect!

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Yeah, Liverpool and Barcelona is pretty much it! Lol. I hate changing the premiership names and kits every year. It's too much work.
I don't know about the licenses in PES this year, but do know FIFA has got some licenses back in the game, missing in previous versions (i.e. the Netherlands)
PS: though it's much more fun to play with accurate sides, if PES is the better game in the end I'll still go with that one. I'm not convinced by either one yet. Though I do think PES is going to win for me this year...