Little Red Wagon Repairman
I'm not asking if you stick your dick in a single mother but would you be willing to date and possibly have a relationship with one?
I vote "no".
I vote "no".
I would if I could but I don't since I can't find one who didn't reek of drama and problems. Ya know what I mean my main man?
I'd love to say I'm a secure enough guy to say "if I was into the lady enough then her having a kid wouldn't put me off" but honestly, I don't know if I could. Depends on the situation, depends on the kid. I've seen friends date women with kids who are total tossers and get in the way and try and make things difficult for you. Worse still if the dad's still around i.e. plays an active part in raising the kid and still spends time with them, you've permanently got another guy in your life. Chances are, that other guy's a bellend. He usually is, in my experience. Even if you get on brilliantly with the kid, you're never going to be dad. That's tough to take, and if you bond with the kid, they're always going to splitting their time between mum and you, and their real dad. I couldn't do it. But then again, I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be able to handle the idea of raising a child of my own, never mind somebody else's.
On second thoughts, I'm incredibly weak when it comes to becoming really into a girl really quickly, so I probably wouldn't let a child put me off at first. Usually a girl having four limbs, two eyes and a pulse and being interested in me is enough for me to try dating her.
I've dated single fathers before. One of which would have worked out nicely if his job hadn't taken him out of the country. The kids were sweet and sometimes they still contact me. (Heck, his ex was even a really great gal, and she was around a lot.)
The other was the TOTAL OPPOSITE... the kid was a piece of work, and he didn't discipline the damn thing. One time -- at 7 years old -- she ripped the table cloth + dishes + food on to the floor during a meal because, and I quote: "I TOLD YOU NO FUCKING VEGETABLES!" The dad just asked her nicely to go watch TV while we cleaned up the mess and found something else to make for dinner. The EX was some kind of crazy junkie. The guy was an incredible person, but the kid and the ex put a quick end to that!
Hell.. the ex smashed in my car window one time to get some change off of my floorboard.
I say it depends on the kids and the other parent who may be in the picture. Good for you if you can overlook all the other crap. I can't.
I want to make Lucy a married mother. :shy:
Where I live (in the deep Midwestern US) girls get knocked up pretty early so there's really not much choice in the dating pool, unless you wanna date college girls. To make it worse, most of the dads are deadbeats (surprise!).I'm not asking if you stick your dick in a single mother but would you be willing to date and possibly have a relationship with one?
I vote "no".