Favourite Game Quotes


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


Fuck'en Bitches and Leav'en Stitches
Also anythinf Sheogorath (sp) sais in Shivering Isles (Oblivion)
From Diablo... Walk up to a cow...talk to it...

"I'm not thirsty.." talk to it again...."Yep thats a cow allright..." talk to it again..."MOOOOOOO!!!!"

Talk to a drunk in the town..."WHAT?? You drink water??"
The cult classic:
"All your bases are belong to us."

and my personal favorite:
"FUCK! That guy owed me money!!"
-Rainbow Six Vegas (random mercenary after you take out his partner).
Final Fantasy 12

Balthier: Princess, no need to worry! I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story? I'm the leading man! You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies!


Fran: I'd say you're more of a supporting role.
Balthier: Fran,please.