Actually he is not dead. That has been a Rumor going around for years. That Rumor, if I remember correctly, started in WCW when they brought out a wrestler named Renagade who was a cheap rip off of Warrior.
I am not 100 percent sure about where that Rumor started.
I do know for a fact that the original Ultimate Warrior, Jim Helwig, is alive and kickin.

i heard the Rumor right after wrestlemania 6. i know all about the renegade.


Hiliary 2020
Ivan Putski, the polish hammer. He'd kick the other guys ass and then have a sing along.
George the animal Steele, would eat the turn buckle.
Honky Tonk Man, just a total jerk.
Greg the Hammer Valentine, master of the figure 4 leg lock, always knew the match would end with the other guy in excruciating pain.
just a few favorites.
oh and I cant forget Frank Williams, from Colombus Ohio.
This poor bastard would show up week after week for years, just to get a brutal ass kicking by some bad guy. If I had a dollar for every time I saw him get kicked off a stretcher and stomped on.
Ivan Putski, the polish hammer. He'd kick the other guys ass and then have a sing along.
George the animal Steele, would eat the turn buckle.
Honky Tonk Man, just a total jerk.
Greg the Hammer Valentine, master of the figure 4 leg lock, always knew the match would end with the other guy in excruciating pain.
just a few favorites.
oh and I cant forget Frank Williams, from Colombus Ohio.
This poor bastard would show up week after week for years, just to get a brutal ass kicking by some bad guy. If I had a dollar for every time I saw him get kicked off a stretcher and stomped on.

I bet Barry Horwitz could give him a run for his money.
Since were doing past/present:

Hulk Hogan
Mr. Perfect
The Million Dollar Man Ted Diabiaseti
The Ultimate Warrior

Mean Gene Okerlund
Bobby The Brain Hennan
Vince McMahon
Jim Ross

Bobby The Brain Hennan
The Million Dollar Man Ted Diabiaseti
The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart
John Cena, Rody Piper and Hulk Hogan

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I dont know so much about Wrestling!
I grew up with Hulk Hogan. I liked him very much as child and I actually dont know so many other Wrestlers exept of "The Rock".
So for me Hulk Hogan and "The Rock" Johnson.
kendo nagasaki
big daddy
giant haystacks


kendo nagasaki
big daddy
giant haystacks


The Hardy Boys
Chris Benoit
Christian Cage
A.J. Styles
The Undertaker
Stone Cold
Bruiser Brody
The Late Great Eddie Gurreuro

These are my new favourites


Could someone tell me if "The Rock" Johnson was a good wrestler?
I just like his movies but never saw him as wrestler!

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a pretty good wrestler. He was the WWE Champion on a number of occasions. His mic skills though, were incredible, he was able to entertain the crowd no matter what he did. No matter if he was a face or a heel, the crowd always ate up everything he said, and wanted more and more.

He had some pretty entertaining catch phrases

If you are a wrestling fan, you will notice that he uses wrestling moves in the fight scenes of his movies

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a pretty good wrestler. He was the WWE Champion on a number of occasions. His mic skills though, were incredible, he was able to entertain the crowd no matter what he did. No matter if he was a face or a heel, the crowd always ate up everything he said, and wanted more and more.

He had some pretty entertaining catch phrases

If you are a wrestling fan, you will notice that he uses wrestling moves in the fight scenes of his movies
:hatsoff: Thank You!
I thought he was great!
Im not a really a wrestling fan and in Germany you cant see much Wrestling.
but I "love" "The Rock" and his movies. I love the fight scenes in Walking Tall.
sorry BBB they the uk oldie ones
As Wrestling is all about Show I'll take the best Showman ever in Wrestling - The Undertaker