Favorite T.V. Journalist/News Anchor?

If we are gonna go the sexy route...Mika Brzezinski from Morning Joe does it for me. She's nice to look at early ass in the morning.

Didn't even know her name until I goggled her. Was surprised to find out that she is Zbignew Brzezinski's daughter. Just another example of how the media and Washington are so interconnected.
Lou Dobbs.

The only man that stands up for middle America. If only the lemmings would see past their pre-concieved notions about his agenda. :dunno:

As far as females? Pretty much anyone on Fox news. I swear the have a prerequsite that states they have to be blond and fine as hell. There is never an unatractive trick on Fox. :hatsoff:
I don't watch the news these day's, I can get my news on the net if I want it! So don't have a Favorite T.V. Journalist/News Anchor!

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Lou Dobbs.

The only man that stands up for middle America. If only the lemmings would see past their pre-concieved notions about his agenda. :dunno:

As far as females? Pretty much anyone on Fox news. I swear the have a prerequsite that states they have to be blond and fine as hell. There is never an unatractive trick on Fox. :hatsoff:

Good choice, I like him.
Best Journalists: Jim Lehrer / Fareed Zakaria / Anderson Cooper

Hottest anchor babes:

Melissa Theuriau (France LCI, TF1)
Nazan Eckes (Germany RTL)
Erica Hill (CNN)
(and some CNN international correspondents whose names I have forgotten)

Notable mentions:

Veronica De La Cruz (CNN)
Betty Nguyen (CNN)
Rudi Bakhtiar (CNN)
Soledad O'Brien (CNN)
Nicole Lapin (CNN)
Christiana Park (CNN)

all are available on Google Images for your viewing pleasure...
I'll go with some locals with The Great Dennis Richmond, the incredibly hot Leslie Griffith, and the always entertaining Gary Radnich. As far as national anchors I'll stick with Keith Olbermann.


It's good to be the king...