Favorite T.V. Journalist/News Anchor?

In memory of Tim Russert...Let's start a thread that discusses the craft that he spent years trying to perfect. Who are some of your favorite T.V. Journalists/News Anchors? (past or present)

I think for the total package (delivery, entertainment, toughness, fairness, word usage, knowledge) I will have to go with Tom Brokaw (if I only have to pick one)

Some of my other favorites are Chris Mathews, Anderson Cooper, Larry King and Brian Williams.
I would have to say Charlie Rose is my favorite. I also am fond of longtime NYC news anchors Rosanna Scotto and Ernie Anastos. They currently make a great team on the local FOX broadcast.
I have tremendous respect for Charlie Rose and David Brancaccio, they both are on PBS.

Everyone else can stick it up their arse.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Wow....that's a tough one. I like a number of them a lot. I love George Stephanopoulos, Alan Colmes, Pat Buchanan, George Will (brilliant mind and a baseball lover), Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Charlie Rose, DEFINITELY John Stewart but if forced to pick just one, Keith Olbermann has got to be right there.
The person on Cable news that I want to bang the most--Tamron Hall of MSNBC. I think the news hotties are usually local news anchors and, even more specific, local weather chicks.

I like Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Anderson Cooper, Erica Hill (another bangable babe), Jack Cafferty


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Oh, was this supposed to have a "most bangable" angle to it as well? In that case, although her political views totally BLOW, I can easily picture Michelle Malkin in a dominatrix outfit!!!
I think pretty much every thread in FO has a bangable angle to it. I, too, would bang Michelle Malkin. She is a horrible lunatic fringe puppet, but is cute. I wouldn't bang Ann Coulter even if the fate of our planet rested in my doing so.


There aren't any hot news anchors on my local stations unfortunately. I tend not to watch much tv news, as I find it mostly unreliable and profit-driven.
I can name two hotties....

Cristina Rodda- El Paso , Texas

Jaqueline London- Orlando, Fl

I can watch those two all day long......yum, yum come get me some !!!:wave2:
Stephanie Elam. I want her so fucking bad.