if its retro as in before PS1 then for me it has to be the Neo Geo graphics as good as most of the modern console out now really good games made by SNK and one hell of a machine wow long before it time also it is one of the longest selling console todate !!
My favorite video game will always be the original Legend of Zelda. :thumbsup:
It's odd...I know where every bomb-opened cave is, every burnable tree. I could walk through the Underworld levels of both quests blindfolded (well, figuratively speaking, lol). And still I love it.
Then you've got the other classics...Blaster Master, Contra, the Castlevania and Super Mario Bros. series', Metroid.
Snes; followed by Nes.. the definition of my generation..:banger:
sad that Nintendo opted not to get into CD/DVD compatiblitiy back in the day; Sony completely came in and sandbaged 'em in the gaming market for that 'faux paus'..:crash: