Favorite racing games?

Instead of just listing names of games, it would be great if you could write a short reason for why you chose to mention the game. Right?!

For me, my favorite is Forza 2. I love the style of driving in the game. Combine that with much better graphics than Forza, many more cars (a huge selection originally even), more customizations, more tracks, a sleeker menu, and an awesome take a picture from anywhere at any angle at anytime feature, and this is one badass game. I also like the more realistic feel the cars have as compared to other racing games. Also, that it's difficult but not impossibly difficult like the later Tiers in **** 3 were, or too easy like the NfS titles are.

I'll add other games I enjoy later, that is just for starters!



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I played Need For Speed for years, and I played NFS Most Wanted when it came out, and it was surprisingly good compared to the ones before it, and sadly after it...


what the fuck you lookin at?
I played Need For Speed for years, and I played NFS Most Wanted when it came out, and it was surprisingly good compared to the ones before it, and sadly after it...

yep! I loved most wanted mostly for the police chases!
PGR3 was a great game. I loved the different courses from around the world. The game play was simple, yet it did get more difficult as you went on, and that kept my interest. Plus you have to keep buying cars and find a car that fits your driving style, and that takes time and experience. It's not just go out there, put the pedal through the floor and go. You have to learn your car and find one to adapt to how you like to drive.
Forza 2 with Gran Turismo 4 being a very close second. F2 combined almost all the aspects of racing games that I love. The physics were great (no driving around a 90 degree angle at 120 mph) and the cars handled pretty realistic which made for lots of addictive practice. Customization was excellent as well, from swapping out engines and drive trains to changing rims. Probably the most fun aspect of the game was online racing. From tweaking out cars to be the best in certain classes to buying and selling cars with incredible paint jobs (over 1000 layers can be applied!) it is definitely the best racing game out so far in my pov. =)
I'm quite happy with the Mario Kart games, especially the DS and Wii versions for their WiFi play.
Probably the most fun aspect of the game was online racing. From tweaking out cars to be the best in certain classes to buying and selling cars with incredible paint jobs (over 1000 layers can be applied!) it is definitely the best racing game out so far in my pov. =)

I haven't gotten a chance to play F2 online yet :( I haven't yet felt the need to shell out the money for XBox live, although I've definitely been considering it alot lately. I have one friend who loves racing games as much as I, but he's alot better at them than me. Until we play Forza 2. Then the matches go back and forth the whole time to one intense finish, where it's almost too close to tell who won until we see the finish times. That alone has made this game more fun than any other for me.

I don't have it, but this friend recently picked up Grid (successor to **** 3). Much like Dirt it has been a little too Americanized for my taste, but it's still a great game. The driving is probably the most intense I've played in a game so far. Some cool cars, and a great drift mode. I like how you can actually customize your team's paint scheme this time. Couldn't do that in **** 3, although in the end I think I prefer **** 3 to Grid for it's dimension.

Here's my favorite non-track game of all time: Colin McRae Rally 2005. This is the most intense rally game to exist, with a very good sense of speed, awesomely fun and treacherous stages, and drivable cars. CMR05's successor, Dirt, as I stated in the previous paragraph, is well too Americanized. Sure, it has more depth (more to do than just stage rallying), but sliding your car around a corner sideways doesn't work well in that game, as it does in CMR05, which is a huge factor in the fun of the game for me personally. CMR05 has cooler stages anyway, and a better country selection. C'mon, they removed Finland for Dirt, that's so retarded. Also, I hate Pastrana and Edstrom. Pastrana is just an annoying fag, and Edstrom's directions are ass fucking backwards. Finally, I love attempting to beat my stage records, or stage records set by friends. It really challenges and pushes you to your limits. Good fun.
GRAN TURISMO in all parts is the BEST!!!!
because it has the best and the most cars^^

btw i like test drive unlimited too ;)
like the hawaii island and the special cars for example koenigsegg and pagani

and i play sometimes mercedes-benz world racing
because it have ALL the best and my favorite mercedes cars ;)
I never got around to playing GX before my buddy lost my GC. I've played X on the N64 though, it was fun, but nowhere near what I'd consider "great". I like my racing a bit more... eh... realistic ;)
I think my favorite racing game is Test Drive Unlimited for the Xbox 360. I liked it so much because most of the races weren't super long, there are a few 1hour ones on there but only a few. I also liked how you bought houses and cars and could drive around the whole island whenever you wanted.

I also thought the online was pretty fun to just cruise aroun and race people on random roads. I know it is just an arcade racer but I find gran tourismo to be too hard for me, so this game was fun.