Taxi Driver
M megamega Jun 15, 2008 #26 what the? no choice for Mean Streets? Alot of people think that's his best film it started the whole hardcore filmmaking and new york movies.
what the? no choice for Mean Streets? Alot of people think that's his best film it started the whole hardcore filmmaking and new york movies.
M megamega Jun 15, 2008 #27 what the? more votes for gangs of new york than raging bull???? people need to learn about cinema. gangs of new york is his worst movie. though with one of the best performances(DAY LEWIS!)
what the? more votes for gangs of new york than raging bull???? people need to learn about cinema. gangs of new york is his worst movie. though with one of the best performances(DAY LEWIS!)
XxDragonpoPxX Banned Jun 15, 2008 #28 Goodfellas is my number 3 for best movie in my view.. but an awesome Scorsese flick.. now go home and get your fucking shine boxxx
Goodfellas is my number 3 for best movie in my view.. but an awesome Scorsese flick.. now go home and get your fucking shine boxxx
maildude Postal Paranoiac Jun 17, 2008 #31 Goodfellas was his pinnacle. But Raging Bull was a close second.
hotslutsrgood Jun 17, 2008 #33 all of his movies are great, my favourite is goodfellas. But i didnt really enjoy the aviator but was still good
all of his movies are great, my favourite is goodfellas. But i didnt really enjoy the aviator but was still good