Favorite Comic Book Artist


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hey,and what about Cable? I always liked Cable.

He actually got in trouble with Youngblood first.One of his characters,Bedrock,had to get a name change for obvious reasons,so he change it to Badrock. Pretty much the whole Youngblood team was a ripoff.Now I think about it,he also had this book called Bloodwolf which was a complete and total ripoff of Lobo.

As much as I would really like to completely rag on the guy,I really hate to do it because I've met him and he was really cool and down to earth.If he were an asshole then it would be really easy to talk a lot of shit about him

I forgot about Cable. However, I agree he is a nice guy at cons, and he has taken the heckling for his artwork in the past with a grain of salt. I would love to see him do some artwork for DC.
Michael Turner (R.I.P.):bowdown:
Marc Silvestri
Jim Lee
Todd McFarlane
J. Scott Campbell
Tim Sale
Joe Madureira
Terry Dodson
Alex Ross
Mark Bagley
Ed McGuinness
Jim Lee, John Cassaday, Jack Kirby, Alex Ross. Frank Miller
It's been a bit since I been apart of comics and whatnot.

However I always like Michael Turner, Joe Madureira, Chaos Comics folks, Marc Silvestri, Joe Campbell, Ben Templesmith, and few others I can't think of now.


It's good to be the king...
or how about Jack Kirby and Will Eisner for that matter?

I'm surprised that no on has said Frank Miller.

Will Eisner - his artwork for The Spirit was a revelation...
Sadly when I was a kid I used to like Rob Leifield, but now that I look at his artwork I laugh. The giant shoulder pads and hair dryer guns he drew were ridiculous.

A lot of people did including myself so don't feel too bad.
A few more to the list...
1. Steve Ditko (Amazing Spider-Man)
2. John Romita Jr. (X-Men, Spider-Man, Punisher War Zone)
3. Brian Bolland (Judge Dredd, The Killikng Joke)
4. Klaus Jansen (The Dark Knight Returns, The Punisher)
5. Jim Lee (X-Men)
6. Jae Lee (Namor the Sub-Mariner)
7. George Perez (Wonder Woman, Teen Titans, lots of others)
8. Jim Lim (Silver Surfer)
9. Joe Quesada (X-Factor)
10. John Busema (too much to list)
Jim Starlin is both my favorite comics artist and writer.

I have a tattoo of one of his Adam Warlock covers on my upper arm. I'd post a pic but this site doesn't like Photobucket.

Well I grew up on Jim Aparo's Batman. That's always a winner.

Others would be ....

Jim Lee
John Byrne
Steve Ditko (absolutely LOVE the Ditko/Lee Spidey run)
George Perez
Lee Bermejo
Bryan Hitch
Ed McGuinness
Todd Mcfarlane
Alex Ross
Brian Bolland
Jack Kirby
Neal Adams
Dan Jurgens
Adam Hughes (the guy knows how to draw women)
Erik Larsen
& of course ... Dick Sprang.
JH Williams III(probably the best most inventive at the moment), Jim Lee, Jae Lee, Bryan Hitch, Alex Maleev, Michael Lark, Eduardo Risso and David Aja(seriously his Iron Fist is legendary).
Well I grew up on Jim Aparo's Batman. That's always a winner.

Others would be ....

Jim Lee
John Byrne
Steve Ditko (absolutely LOVE the Ditko/Lee Spidey run)
George Perez
Lee Bermejo
Bryan Hitch
Ed McGuinness
Todd Mcfarlane
Alex Ross
Brian Bolland
Jack Kirby
Neal Adams
Dan Jurgens
Adam Hughes (the guy knows how to draw women)
Erik Larsen
& of course ... Dick Sprang.

it's been so long I forgot about Dan Jurgens. I loved his work on JLA back in the '90s