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As a big Ashley Fires fan I am worried because she has seemed to let herself go. In her recent trip to LA and Vegas I noticed she has really developed a lot of cellulite on her ass, thighs and legs. She even has quite some back fat. She even has a saggy neck! What has happened to her? It's like she has only a junk food diet and put on 20 pounds of lard below her waist.

It's so sad but Ashely Fires decline does not stop there. She must now use about a pound of foundation with her makeup to hide the ravages of her heavy boozing. You can tell she consumes copious amounts of hard liquor because of her puffy face. Damn she was so gorgeous and perky but now her face looks so plastic and unnatural.

Insiders told me that her latest performances have become predictable, robotic and at times wooden. Her energy levels are low and they can tell it must be the booze, junk food and probably drugs. So very very sad to see such a crash from someone who was really just a year or so ago on the top.