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Faux "News" Bill O'Reilly Supreme Pinhead Busted Again!

It wouldn't have happened to a nicer guy...... one of journalisms biggest frauds Bill O'Reilly just went through a bitter custody battle with his now ex-wife and documents reveal that he beat his wife in front of their daughter. He dragged her down a flight of stairs by her neck:

"According to a source familiar with the facts of the case, a court-appointed forensic examiner testified at a closed hearing that O’Reilly’s daughter claimed to have witnessed her father dragging McPhilmy down a staircase by her neck, apparently unaware that the daughter was watching. The precise date of the alleged incident is unclear, but appears to have occurred before the couple separated in 2010. The same source indicated that the daughter, who is 16 years old, told the forensic examiner about the incident within the past year."

"The allegation is just the latest in a string of incidents that have come to light following the couple’s divorce.

O’Reilly has not only attempted to have his ex-wife excommunicated from the Roman-Catholic church (which views getting divorced and remarried as a sin against God), but he also used his influence to launch an internal investigation into McPhilmy’s new boyfriend, a Nassau County Police detective.

O’Reilley has also been a on record as blaming minorities’ plight on familial issues, including domestic violence.

O’Reilly’s lack of response is especially worth noting. The anchor has spent his highly remunerated career obsessing over patterns of violence among racial minorities, particularly black people, and the apparently unique effect of violence on the integrity of black families. As he fulminated on-air in December 2014: “The astronomical crime rate among young black men—violent crime—drives suspicion and hostility. … No supervision, kids with no fathers—the black neighborhoods are devastated by the drug gangs who prey upon their own. That’s the problem!”
Or, as O’Reilly claimed in August: “The reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the African-American family.”
O’Reilly released the following statement through his lawyer Fred Newman of Hoguet Newman Regal & Kenney, LLP.

"All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false. I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further."

Remember when he was accused of sexual harassment by a producer of his and he denied it and swore to expose the liars and people shaking him down for money???? and then the tapes of his phone messages were released and he shut the fuck up about the entire thing. I wonder if this will make it to the "No Spin Zone"??
I discussed this with another poster and it is very common for a child caught in a custody battle to side with the parent that they feel will be most lenient. There were no calls to police at the time of the alleged incident which is suspicious and is only coming out now. Not saying that it didn't happen but your post has him guilty. The judge will probably grant custody to the mother as the child is of the age where the judge gives preference to the wishes of the child anyway. I know you want it to be true but stick to critiquing hamburgers and sampling Asian waitresses and leave things like this up to more qualified people before we determine his guilt or innocence.
Listen to the No Spin Zone ass hat get some spin support from the defense attorney! LOL Just like he never called and left long explicit voice messages for his producer either right?

What's the going % of domestic assaults that are reported counselor?

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, domestic violence is one of the most chronically under-reported crimes. Only 25% of all physical assaults, 20% of all rapes, and 50% of all stalking perpetrated against females by their partners are reported to the police. For the small number of cases that do get reported, on average, a woman will be assaulted by her partner or ex-partner thirty-five times before reporting it to the police.

So you keep on fighting along party lines, truth be damned. O'Reilly used to be entertaining now he's just a fucking big mouth calling everyone else "loons" and "pinheads" when he's a fucking piece of trash. His war against rap music is hilarious. His outright lies about the president would get him fired on any other network. Think of what Dan Rather got fired over, which turned out to be accurate and then think of the outright disregard for the facts by O'Reilly. It's a fucking joke.
So he is guilty? You are willing to go on record that he is 100 percent guilty? No one knows that for certain. You are without a doubt the most obnoxious partisan hack I have ever seen. I don't care one way or the other but for you to proclaim his guilt based on a leaked report just shows what a bumbling idiot you are.
Don't get upset Mariah, BC just wants to give O'Reilly the benefit of the doubt, the same way he did with Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray.
There were 911 calls in each of those incidences. Strangely enough, there is not one in the alleged O'Reilly incident. I wish I could say that I expected better from you, but we do have to keep the bar rather low when it comes to you.
I'm a hack because I posted a news report about someone who is so arrogant and obnoxious about people's lack of morality who has already been proven to be a flaming hypocrite when it comes to his morals and now in court documents there are reports that he beat his wife in front of his daughter? And once again, let's revisit the fact that a very small % of domestic violence issues are reported, even less for celebrities. Yes I know you make a living from defending the offenders and it's your job to spin the story so that there's doubt. But this isn't your case and it's a proven fucking dickhead we're talking about. The very same dickhead who interviewed Jenna Jameson and was belligerent to her calling her a whore and among the lowest in society then off-camera afterward asked her to send him some of her videos. he admitted to that on Howard Stern by the way saying he was going to verify that she really wasn't as hardcore as the rest as she claimed. Sure Bill. Sure.

So nothing about this guy is stand up. He claims to be such an "in your face" person and to take on all sides without bias but he is a clown and a hypocrite. Now he's going to pay.
I watched Billy O's show and he did not address the reports. One other thing, if this is just the tip of the iceberg in a pattern of domestic abuse then why didn't his daughter cite other incidences? Let's correct something else you keep saying which is incorrect about me personally. Although I used to be a criminal defense attorney early on in my career I rarely practice in that area unless it is to assist friends or family or the occasional referral. My practice now is limited to real estate law, tax law and mergers and acquisitions. I am not O'Reillys biggest fan and if he is guilty then the facts will come out but this whole report of abuse stinks to high heaven and it is only libtards like you that are getting your panties in a wad over it. Also about his reported indiscretions with a staffer a few years back, obviously the woman was satisfied enough to settle and is why you hear nothing about it anymore, and sometimes wealthy public figures decide to just pay people than have a long drawn out circus especially when what he did is not a criminal matter. It's not like he was the leader of the free world diddling a 19 year old intern. Yes you are a hack, the worst kind in fact.

Your opinions are so predictable and repetitive that it is becoming comical.
Whatever. You have stated on more than one occasion that you are a high-priced attorney and mentioned defending people.

Seriously Zippy? "Reported indiscretions" ????? have you heard the voice mails he left her that he originally denied existed because he said they never happened??? I saw the episode where he said "I will only address this once and I will never speak of it again. The matter has been settled." Once the tapes surfaced he shut the fuck up very quickly and settled. There is no "allegedly" or "reported indiscretions" this shit happened. He is on TV 5 nights a week running his mouth about morality and who is a pinhead and who is against jesus (pronounced Hay-soos) and christmas and how the american way is in decline because of rap music and our lack of faith-based morality. Then it turns out he's committing adultery with a co-worker and won't stop calling her. He has had other affairs and is pretty well-known around the studio as an ass-hound.

Ah yes, the white house blow job. The 90's Benghazi for you people. Such a tragedy and certainly never happened before to any other president right? Why focus on the guy who balanced the budget and left a surplus and did a lot of things the republicans wanted when you can try to crucify him for getting a blow job?
The budget was balanced and subsequent surplus was because Bubba had his feet held to the fire by republicans. I did not say "alleged" when it came to O'Reilly and the staffer.

It is obvious however, that the woman was after money. Also, Benghazi is not a dead dog yet, nor are her missing emails and now we are in the 90's all over again with Sidney Blumenthal being mentioned again. I said it before and I will say it again, O 'Reilly is a pundit and not an elected official. He can say whatever he wants and you"ll like it. Haha
Of course you give credit to the republicans for any success Clinton had. LOL Typical. But will you also hold the republicans responsible for the fucked up mess of 6 of 8 years of the Bush era? No you'll blame it on the final 2 years when the dems got in power won't ya? It was all gravy up until then right?

Benghazi is as dead as a dog can get. Its a fucking smoke and mirrors show just like the blow job was. You guys can't eat the crow from the enormous mistakes that killed over 4,000 american soldiers and cost us trillions of dollars. The blow job was to hide the CIA admission that it smuggled cocaine into the US for the Contras and Benghazi is to take attention away from the illegal fucked up war and the failed policies and decisions that you guys had afterward.
Yep things were pretty good until 2007 although the repubs that were ushered in during the republican revolution of 94 forgot what got them there and started governing like democrats but yeah, the balanced budget or surplus would not have happened without Gingrich making Clinton deal and not being afraid to shut the government down

Clinton deserves credit for working with them though so he is partially responsible but they both share in the credit.

We still have hearings scheduled with pantsuit. If you think Benghazi is dead with that getting ready to take place and an election season coming up then you are far more delusional than I thought.
Oh I never said it is going away. Its just a fucking witch hunt by 2 delusional fucks McCain & his girlfriend Lindsay. Yeah things were pretty good huh? Wanna ask the parents of those killed in Iraq how good they were? Or the millions of people losing jobs and pensions? It didn't just happen in 08 dude. It started happening in 04 and 05. It wasn't until a few years later that it started affecting the wealthy when the market took a shit. Then it suddenly became an issue. The rich got richer under Bush, but the environment paid a heavy price as did the middle class and the poor.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I discussed this with another poster and it is very common for a child caught in a custody battle to side with the parent that they feel will be most lenient. There were no calls to police at the time of the alleged incident which is suspicious and is only coming out now. Not saying that it didn't happen but your post has him guilty. The judge will probably grant custody to the mother as the child is of the age where the judge gives preference to the wishes of the child anyway. I know you want it to be true but stick to critiquing hamburgers and sampling Asian waitresses and leave things like this up to more qualified people before we determine his guilt or innocence.

I take it that viewing the own mother being dragged down the stairs is something that doesn't get made up by children.

And regrding your relationship with Mariah, we could say, you are a little overeager to oppose her, whatever the point is.
I take it that viewing the own mother being dragged down the stairs is something that doesn't get made up by children.

And regrding your relationship with Mariah, we could say, you are a little overeager to oppose her, whatever the point is.

I take it that you have never sat across the table from a judge hearing testimony in a child custody case. Well I have, and it is one of the most ugly procedures that you can be involved in and children are coached and bribed to say things. There are no boundaries that aren't crossed from mental abuse to physical including molestation. Have you once made a valid point on this board? Because all i see out of you is sucking up to those you agree with and never offering any substantive debate, only drive by pot shots.

Milano gets more responses because she purposely tries to insult and stir shit.