Fanny Packs can be HOT! / Fanny Pack Men

But not in this case.


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My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: Fanny Packs can be HOT!

It is holding his dignity.

I believe I have recycled that joke quite a few times, now.
Re: Fanny Packs can be HOT!

God, when will they go away? I admit, I have to use a murse from time to time, but NO WAY IN HELL would I ever use a fanny pack.
Re: Fanny Packs can be HOT!

Well it somewhat takes the emphasis on the other larger fanny pack hes carrying, so not a complete fail.


Is somewhere outhere.
Re: Fanny Pack Men

I always thought guys wore them to cover their hard ons.So beware
in the future of those closet botty bashers ;)