Fancy a challenge?

Okay guys, this is a perplexing one. I have no pics or names, only a description. So, first off, I apologise, but who fancies a challenge?

The girl I'm looking for is a brunette. She is nude/stripping outside a white villa. The set includes ass shots of her walking up some stairs. I would say she is just a glamour model, but she does remove everything (not sure if there's frontal pics). It isn't a hardcore set. There are some pics of her on a balcony looking out as well

I'm afraid I can't give you anything more, but when I see her, I'll recognise her straight away. If anyone has any pics that match this description, please post them. I've tried searching for her but I can't find anything, so just searching "brunette galleries" is like a needle in a haystack

Well like you said that is one heck of a vague description. A shot in the dark, start searching the collection. they have a 100% complete and searchable archive of all updates. Ur description sounds like the style they like to use for shooting their models. its worth a shot and even if shes not there, its not a bad way to kill time!
I think I have seen this, im guessing it is an advertisement ( correct me if i'm wrong ) Dam i will try to find it out will re-post later :L