Fall 2011: What are your picks?

Same as every fall, some of the biggest games of the year come out in or around the month of November. So out of all the games this season, which one are you anticipating the most. Vote for your top pick, but I want to know what else you plan on buying this year.
Games I will be getting:

Gears of War 3 (XBOX 360 console)
Saints Row The Third
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Games I am thinking about getting:

Battlefield 3
Batman: Arkham City

It all depends on my money situation and how much time i have.
I took too long to make the poll. Oh well.

I WILL be getting:

Eventually I'll probably get:
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Batman Arkham City
Modern Warfare 3

Still considering:
Battlefield 3
Forza 4
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Zelda: Skyward Sword
A bunch of my buddies are going to get Skyrim. They said they would invite me over to see the game, whenever they get it. Some will get it for the midnight release, and others will get it eventually.

I'm hoping to be able to get Rage, Battlefield 3, and Arkham City. Those are the games I want to play, but will get them after the ones I initially want to get, I have already bought. It all depends on how much money I have. Who knows, I might ask for some of those for my b-day and christmas, because they are 2 weeks away from each other.


milf n' cookies
I'm looking forward to playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. :)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Uncharted 3
War In The North
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.


Diablo 3 is on top of my wishlist, assuming it will come out this year. :yesyes:
Other than that I am looking forward to Skyrim.
And I already pre-ordered Star Wars: The Old Republic, going to assume this one will be ready for launch this year as well.
I am most excited for Skyrim, and Battlefield 3. I also plan on getting Uncharted 3, Arkham City, and possibly Rage. There are a lot of good games coming out.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And I already pre-ordered Star Wars: The Old Republic, going to assume this one will be ready for launch this year as well.

They should've made a third Knights of The Old Republic.
First and foremost,I'm looking forward to Arkham City,but before that comes out,I might give Rage a shot.

Other than that,I really don't care about anything else.I'm sick of FPS games,and Uncharted 3 doesn't really interest me like the new Batman or even Rage.

Actually,the only FPS game that I'm really looking forward to is Dust 514,but that's still about a year away.

Gears of war 3 ( xbox 360 )


Dark Souls ( PS3 )
Batman Arkham city( xbox 360 )


Uncharted 3 ( PS3 )
Skyrim ( Xbox 360 )
Halo combat evolved anniversary ( xbox 360 )
Assassin's creed revelations ( PS3 )
Gonna be Gears Of War 3 for me, don't get a lot of time to play games anymore unfortunately and the amount I order when on sale that are still in the wrappers is unbelievable :facepalm:
I'm really sick of gaming in general, but there are two titles this fall that are too monumental to pass up on; Battlefield 3 and Forza Motorsport 4. After that however, there will be no more.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I plan to rent battlefield 3, but that's only for the campaign and blowing shit up. After playing the beta, I don't need to waste my time online there. I might keep MW3 from gamefly. But that'll be it.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Uncharted 3. That's my series. But I'll wait for it to get cheaper before I get it. I don't buy new games.

I'd also like to get some other games like Modern Warfare 3 and Ace Combat - Assault Horizon