Fake or real-Christina Aguilera?

I'm trying to figure out if this pic is a fake, what do you guys think?

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What r u fuckin retarded do u honestly think daffy fuckin duck would cheat on daisy duck with her. Get a fuckin clue chief.
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Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Its a fake but its a great fake I could of swore it was real when I first saw it unitl I saw the real pic.
good job stevie, this a-hole has no clue how good daisy can take it in the poop shoot.
What r u fuckin retarded do u honestly think daffy fuckin duck would cheat on daisy duck with her. Get a fuckin clue chief.

Actually it's Donald fuckin Duck and why wouldn't he want to get dirty.
Yeah a very old fake.


Donald is probably telling the other ducks.... while they are swimming on the pond