Fairy Tales gone Hot

J Scott Campbells fairytale work remains the best youve posted and stands amongst the best Ive ever seen.

No doubt. Been trawling for awhile to find new stuff. Just stumbled across these by accident. The first link will always have the greatest art. Though there are some nice ones in the others. Was good to have a bit of variety. It is the spice of life. It's awesome how many people like the art.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Now I wish Michael Turner was still alive, he could really draw and I would have loved to see his take of Fairy Tale hotties.
wow there awesome, someones got some real skill there

I know, and it annoys me. I wish I could draw and colour like that. It would be awesome. Aaahhhh well, one can wish. I am just going to have to enjoy them then. Which I will more than oblige.


For the EMPEROR!!
Great links, ..very nice.


Closed Account
:drool2:Tie between Goldilocks & the Wicked Stepmother. Goldilocks reminds me of Jenny Poussin.
There's an old Italian comedy with Michela Miti as Snow white... I love it... it's super raunchy and hilarious! Too bad they haven't re-released it with english subtitles.... it's called Biancaneve and Co
I collect comics books and have to say the fairy tale stuff from Xenoscopes Grimm Fairy Tales and The Alice stuff they do is amazing.(those are the pics in the original post). I have almost every issues of these comics.
There was a comic series call Fem Force about super chicks who huge boobs and nipples the size of marbles. Great good girl art stuff!