The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
There's one single packet of "Red Gold Premium Tomato Ketchup" sitting on my computer desk and I have NO idea how it got there. :dunno:
I logged over two thousand hours of playtime on Final Fantasy VII.
i really love eating a girl out while she's laying on her stomach
You must be tired, Chef.
Me too!I hate those damn toothaches.
I have Asperger's Syndrome, as I tend to obsess big time over what interests me.
I own well over 400 DVDs now.
mostly of Horror, my favorite genre.
Getting the Gold Chocobo and reproducing the Nights of the Round materia so you had a chance of beating the Emerald Weapon took me forever and drove my almost to the point of insanity.
I took Final Fantasy VII to a sick level. I had two gold Chocobos and I maxed out pretty much every single materia I picked up. Once you get the right combo of mimic & KOTR, Emerald Weapon is nothing.