F**k You, Whorebama

Did the guy just figure out that the Presidency is controlled by other forces than the President themselves? We as world underlings, regardless of country or belief system, are lead around to believe whatever spin is being put out by the powers in the shadows of that region. He is probably correct that Sir Paul McCartney MBE is a British agent as the entertainment industry has been used for decades to control people's thoughts. Although the Obama presidency is going about how I expected, this is one of the worst political diatribes I have heard in years as the person can not think in complete sentences or think outside narrow parameters. I feel a great deal rage these days, but it never really comes across well until it is a coldly, calculated rage. The clip will probably be pulled down by youtube anyways.
Who is this guy? Tyrone Bigems from the Chapelle Show!! Don't he realize he's black. MayBe he's blind. He kinda look like TPain lol. It's funny how anger he is and disturbing at the same time