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Exclusive Freeones Interviews With Interesting Members


knows petras secret: she farted.
decisions decisions. at first i thought, ill pick an OCSM, then i said, nah.

then i thought, PK. but i didnt want to give him what we wanted since he didnt get me shit for christmas. (insert poop joke?)

so i picked someone who i dont know shit about. who everyone kinda knows. someone... interesting:


ok, so sue me. this will be fun reading..... i hope.


1) your name is... interesting. it makes me chuckle but not so much as the whole "in an igloo" thing does. how did you decide upon it and what's the story behind it?

i wish i had some sort of comical story behind my user name, but honestly somebody, and i could not tell you who it was, called me that among many other things, and i just used it here, but the living in an igloo thing, has to do with the fact, and i am not saying all americans are dumb, but the real dumb ones assume canadian live in igloos and ride dog sleds to and from work in crazy cold weather

2) what do you do for a living? also, how much money is in your wallet right now?

customer service, .97cents in the wallet, but i probably have somewhere in the ball park of 50$ in loose change in plastic yougurt, cottage cheese, sour cream containers, i dont even want to think about all the coin rolling

i rolled coins one afternoon, and averaged about $9 an hour

3) did you get anything good for christmas? if so, can i have it?

my dad gave me scrubbing bubbles and sponges. he said he took a shit in my toilet and had to brace himself using the shower tiles WTF man, i was surprised i didnt have to call a plumber, other than that i got the usual, clothes, money chocolates, books

and you are willing to come and get any of them... but we would have to meet an an undisclosed location, and i would probably be disguised

4) do you have a girlfriend or a romantic interest currently?

two girlfriends actually, Palmela Handerson and Rossien Palms, rossies 5 sisters always tag along, but there not allowed in on the action

5) do you have any heros or people you look up to and why do you look up to them?

ray luzier, travis barker, taylor hawkins, lars ulrich, jeremy taggert, my drum teacher Murray, and my uncle doug, they are all amazing drummers, and if you didnt already know, i have been playing the drums for over 15 years, took lessons for over five, was in two bands that both disbanded, and now i just play for fun

but i may be doing some drumming soon for a local black metal band

6) you were a moderator for about 5 earth minutes. why were you interested in the job and why did you turn in your keys so quickly?

there is a lot of shit that goes on behind the scenes, and i take enough of it already from just being a regular freeones members. people hated me even more just because i became a mod, and most of the haters didnt even apply to be a mod. also, i realized that i wasnt actually able to spend enough time at my computer that i was requested to

oh.. and i was tempted to erase certain unnamed freeones members from freeones all together

7) if you could change one thing about FREEONES what would it be and why?

i would allow the freeones team to put a time limit on my daily time spent at freeones, not that i spend a lot of time here, but its more than i would like to

8) what brings you back to the board time and time again?

the talk section, not to post, but to read threads, sometimes i just need a good laugh or to, and reading certain threads, where certain members have posted, are so fucking funny

9) who are your favourite board members and what you picture them looking like in your mind? or.. have you seen them? OCSM don't count, we have all already seen their pussies!

over all squallumz, plasmatwa2 take the cake as far as posting links to my favorite babes claydavis, ericlindros and dimray are my faves, and as far stdiva, alex and VV are my favorite guys to make fun of

other members that i find really funny, in no perticular order: blueballs, shifty, toc, dirk, pk, luke, johnny, eddirons, gunslingingbird, legz,

and if your not on that list, go fuck yourself

10) what do you inspire to do / become / or accomplish in life? do you have any personal goals you want to accomplish?

to live a full and healthy life

11) can i have some of your weed? ill be your bff...

surprisingly, i dont have any right now, my dealer left the province, without any warning and didnt tell me why. and all the other people that i know that will sell me weed, overcharge or there shit aint as good as my dealers was

usually i just end up somewhere where i get hits from bongs and puffs from roaches, as long as i bring beer and cigarettes and munchies


well, i must say that WAS interesting. if my dad got me fucking soap for christmas, id punch him square in the face! and also, a fellow drummer. cool. also, drum this!
Nice interview and thanks for the compliment brodkill :hatsoff:


Lord Dipstick
I take dumps more interesting than this toolbag...:facepalm:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Terrible, just terrible. I'm talking of course about those interview questions. You're fired Squally.

Ha, I kid. Not really though. And Brod, next time someone tries to score some pot from you, just tell them you don't have any. What are you, a novice?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Sorry I know it was my turn some time ago already, but I didn't really have time and can't come up with great questions...

I'll do my interview sometime. I already have one or two memberinos in mind.

Glad some other peeps made some iViews in the meantime. Thanks guys.

Who are you going to interview brod?

here is brodkills interview of plasmatwa2

1. tell us four objects that are on your computer desk, and explain why 1 of them is there

There is an empty Coke can from at least three months ago, an empty Sprite bottle from at least two years ago, and two My Little Pony figures. Why the figures? Because only real men roll with Pinkie Pie.

2. find the nearest book, and tell us what the title is, and why you decided to read it

Mein Kampf. Why? I don't really know. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

3. go take a look in your fridge, and tell us something that is in there that we wouldnt
expect and why you have it

A pack of batteries. My friend told me to put them in there cause it apparently keeps them charged or something, so I did to shut him up. It keeps them fresh and crisp and the battery acid really adds a zing to salads.

4. go look out the nearest window, and let us know what you see, if its dark, pretend
it is the day time

Dirt. I live in a basement, so all I see out my window ever are rocks and dog shit. Occasionally there's a bunny.

5. do you like french fries? please tell us why you chose yor avatar?

Yes, I like french fries. Who doesn't? Even the godless Chinese like them. I chose my avatar because it sums me up perfectly: I'm a retard who thinks you are a retard. It's perfect for FreeOnes.

6. if you could move to any other part of the country, where would it be and why would you move there?

I'd move to Newfoundland because I'd be the most cultured person there. I'd also smell the best and have the best farmer's tan.

7. who is your favorite canadian freeones member? and who is your favorite non canadian freeones member
and tell us why

The best Canadian is probably STDiva, just because lurkingdirk decided to become a godless American and doesn't count. Plus Diva's also funny and good looking for someone from Windsor. Best non-Canadian is Bloodshot Scott, just because lurkingdirk still has enough Canadian in him to not count as American. Plus, Scott likes hockey and I feel bad for him since he's a fan of the Timberwolves.

8. who is your favorite pornstar and why?

Claire Dames Why is she my faovurite? Because she's FUCKING BEAUTIFUL... and she has a passing resemblance to one of my former girlfriends and I'm a sad person like that.

9, since you have been a moderator for quite some time now, tell us what makes you keep moderating

Two reasons. One, I'm too big of a chickenshit to tell Petra to shove this job up her poohole. Two, if I told her that she wouldn't let me watch her camshows anymore, and I'm a really big fan of this thing she does with Roald and a mousetrap that she calls Jaws: The Revenge.

10. what do you do for a living, and why?

I work as a merchandiser. There's really no reason why I do it for a living. I've been doing it for awhile and it pays really good, so I haven't really looked for something else. Might be moving to Toronto for a bit to work for the good ol' government, but we'll see.

11. when was the last time you had sex, where was it, who was it with and why did you have sex with
him or her?

Last time I had sex was a month or so ago. T'was on my tractor, because I'm a gentleman, and I had sex with her because she was drunk, horny and just broke up with her boyfriend. So yeah, I was a rebound lay. But if it wasn't for drunk girls on rebounds I'd never get laid.

huh, i always thought i was your fav canadian member