Exclusive FreeOnes Interview with Diamond James


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
The beautiful Diamond James took a few minutes of her time to answer a few questions about her personal life and life in the industry!

What led you into the porn business?

I was always extremely fascinated by porn and the adult industry as a whole. I’m surfing/joining adult sites constantly. I was and still am the biggest pervert ever! But if you can believe it I am actually super shy in person. So I started out doing phone sex for a few different companies until I realized “Um I can do this is myself and keep all the profits!” lol so I started my own phone sex operation from my apartment. I guess you could say I moved along with technology once webcams started becoming popular. I was a webcam girl before I even started my site! And when I initially launched my site I only had a voyeur cam and performed scheduled member cam shows. Now my site has freakin everything…HD videos, Hi-rez photos, FIVE 24/7 voyeur cams, forum, bonus feeds, and of course I’m still doing my cam shows

What did you do before this?

I worked at my local grocery store as a cashier and also manned the customer service counter there which definitely trained me to deal with the sometimes not-so-nice general public.

Do you only do work for your own site, or do you do shoots for other companies?

I work full-time running my own site and loving every moment!

Want to read the rest? CLICK HERE!


knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah, cool interview. i was sad about the kittie but i realized FIV is something they can live with for a real long time and live a nice long life!


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Hello Ms James, great interview.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Definitely! My kitty is going on 8 yrs old now and very healthy since she's a strictly indoor well-fed cat :)

yeah, i hear ya. my 3 kitties are 100% indoor cats too. i have some great info on cat food and diet id love to pass onto you. ill pm you soon.