Error During Binding... Error #2060

I really like the freeonestube but, Ive run into 2 problems. One, sometimes I have to refresh the page to make it work. And two, other times I just end up getting the binding error. Anyone having this problem and come across a fix?

ps Im using chrome and I just now tried it on internet explorer with the same conclusion.

pss seriously tho, great site. Never had a single complaint before!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
What's the full error text? This is the first I've heard this of happening.
Full error message says, "Error During Binding Error #2060" with an ok button. You hit the ok button, and the screen goes black with a grayed out play button. If I manually look up the model and the video link from their list of stuff, then it works after reloading once or twice. Its only on the Freeonestube page that its giving me a problem.

Hehe, I didnt mean this to come out so serious lol. Just thought Id see if anyone else was having the same problem so I could figure it out.
who would have thought that my favorite porn site would have such pleasant people on the forums lol! Thanks for responding so quickly. Happy fapping!
o snip snaps! And to top off my posting experience, the problem is fixed! This is awesome. Too bad I dont have a six pack, otherwise Id be applying for some freeones jobs ASAP =p Many thanks.