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Enter this special Valentines Day contest and win Toys to use on your special someone!

My worst Valentine's day ever was 2014. I was chatting with my girlfriend a few days ago, and we were talking about italian music (I'm from Italy, she's Lithuanian). Suddenly she said "oh I love Italy so much, I will go to an italian restaurant for Valentine's. Yes darling, you were so slow...".

If you still haven't got it, she was telling me that she had a date with somebody ELSE for Valentine's day... can there be any worse Valentine's day?


Closed Account
Mine is really minor in comparison. While in school there was a girl I was interested in and wanted to date, it took me a month to convince her to go out with me. The date was meh, I didn't think either of us had a good time, not awful, but no spark. This was a week before valentines day, and we hadn't spoken since the date, so I thought neither of us was interested. On v-day she shows up at school with chocolates, a gift, and a card. I of course had nothing, and then told her I wasn't interested on Valentines day. I felt awful, till that point girls told me they weren't interested, she was the first girl I had to tell I wasn't interested.
To be honest it was in 2012 I planned to meet my valentine on my way to school to give my final exam with one of my friend. I'd already been insisting her since the last two days back and she agreed but I'd to wait for like about half a hour near her house and it was so terrible and felt like hell that too in the presence of my friend. I didn't have much time as I'd to appear the exam so we left in disappointment in a little bit of rain on our way and all my efforts and time wasted in vain. And later I found out that she was forced not to leave the house by her mum. There goes my worse valentine day ever.
My worst valentine was when me and my ex went out to dinner and I bought her roses and spent a couple hundred dollars on food, drinks, and lingerie to make the night fun and when we got home and started folding laundry she said we should break up and she wanted to stay in the house with all the utilites in my name so she could live and moved another guy in when I left
(Thinks about entering)
<enters thread and reads existing entries>

Nope, can't compete with some of these. The worst thing that ever happened to me on a Valentine's Day was planning on a house meal then going to a Traffic Light party but drinking a whole bottle of Jagermeister mixed with orange cordial throughout the afternoon, so by the time I got to the first pub I took about an inch off my first pint before realizing I had to go home and be violently sick, so I was back in bed by 11PM and the gals at the Traffic Light party never even got chance to get a glimpse of my garish neon green t-shirt. Although in hindsight maybe that was a lucky escape.

I'd give this man the buttplug NOW, I can't see anything topping that. Well, without a story that makes me doubt if it's genuine. This is so upsetting it must be true.

I was in B Co. 44th Signal Battalion based in Heilbronn, Germany. I had returned to Augusta, Ga on AUG 1, 1990 so we could be married. She & I were married Augusta 4th, 1990---the day AFTER Sadaam invaded Kuwait. My Platoon SGT called me on the 7th and said I had to return to Germany as we were deploying to Saudi Arabia. We deployed in DEC 1990. AT&T had set up phone service for soldiers to call loved ones (you got one call) & I decided to call her on my Birthday (Valentine's Day 1991) & wish her a Happy Valentine's & profess my love. Instead her MOTHER answered the phone & told me she was 3 months pregnant...She HAD/HAS chutzpah too, because after child was born, she went to Ft. Gordon, GA military base & got the baby a military dependent card & the child has my LAST NAME! She tried to get child support too, but blood test PROVED the lil bastard was not mine. After we divorced in 1992, she married that baby's father.
I just have no luck when it come to valentines day. One girl I was dating through high school. we dated for 3 years and on valentines day I woke up extra early to go to the shops to buy her favorite chocolates and surprise her with breakfast in bed only to find her fucking her brother-in-law get this a month after our daughter was born.. If it weren't for my daughter, I would never have to see her face ever again.
I had a bad Valentine's Day experience, a number of years ago. I was dating my GF for a while at the time - probably four years, off-and-on. We would get in perpetual arguments, where she wasn't happy with me - big surprise. Anyway: we had discussed celebrating V-Day, and had agreed (I thought) that my budget for the day would be spent on a nice meal out. We had a nice sit down meal at a high-end restaurant, that I spent ~ $100 on. I brought a solitary rose with me when I picked her up, which I presented to her. After dinner, we went back to her place, and I think she gave me a card and some V-Day themed boxers. She then said she was UPSET, because I didn't get her a dozen roses, or a floral bouquet / exchanged gifts with her, other than the rose I gave her, previously! I reminded her that we had discussed going out to the nice restaurant to celebrate the day. If I knew that flowers were more important to her, I'd have instead taken her out to a mid-range restaurant (Thai, Chinese, or something similar), and dropped $40 on flowers. She said that she didn't see why she couldn't have both the nice meal out AND the dozen roses... I got angry because I had dropped over $100 on a "Hallmark holiday," and she still wasn't happy. So, I told her that, and I'm pretty sure I left without trying on the boxers (and removing them / having sex with her). Yeah, awesome V-day; thanks!
That is easy. I was dating a young lady back in Michigan and she still lived with her parents. She was one very horny person. She talked me into fucking at her parents home (who were out
for the evening)...and you know what happened. There we were naked and fucking on the couch in the den and in walked her parents, Dad leading the way. I do not know who was more stunned, but that is definitely the quickest I ever got dressed (and got the hell out of there). Besides being my worst Valentine's Day, it was also the most embarassing moment of my life.
Feb. 14, 1970. Sitting in a hole in the Ah-Sha Valley for two days waiting for the NVA to over-run us. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to go. Dodge the mortar rounds. The last thing on my mind was Valentines and getting fucked.
The worst Valentine's Day I had happened 5 years ago. I had a crush on a girl named Jessica for some time. I decided to ask her on a date for Valentine's and she not only said yes, but told me to meet her at the Holiday Inn in room 202 at 7pm. I was really looking forward to a special night and I went to her room a little before 7. I knocked on the door and her 80 year old grandma answered the door, took the roses out of my hand and said "let's get this started hunk." Jessica was on the other side of the room laughing hysterically and it was a horrible Valentines Day


the special one
I had a fight with Sugar Ray Robinson
My worst Valentine's Day happened this year, in a very remote place.

I woke up and the sadness invades me to remember that I'm away from my two big loves: My Girlfriend and My FreeOnes.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'll go through these tomorrow and announce the winner!